Friday, February 27, 2004

Current thoughts: I'm broken....I am?
Mood: bored

Yesterday Chris said I was broken. Well here it is. NO I wasn't, I was singing you couldn't hear me, and I was....broken when it came to the hand movements because I didn't know I was messing with my hands until you were saying something. I didn't want to talk while I was singing.

Frank got my letter, I'm only hoping Keesha and Joseph get them by today. I know Keesha will write me back, but I will fly a plane and kick Joseph's butt if he doesn't write me back. Well....not really but anyways yeah, my expression.

My uncle JD pierced his nose. His NOSE for crying out loud, and he's a guy! I think he's swinging a little toward the 'other' side if you know what I mean.

Mark you're mean! LoL. Telling Jose what happened on Valentine's Day. I'm still embarassed about that. And now I know Jose and Carlos will never let it go, they'll keep on making fun of me. I guess I'll just laugh along, it was kinda funny, in a weird distorted kind of way.

Bye bye!

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Listening to: People
Current thoughts: My hands are red....was I caught red handed?
Mood: happy and bored

I decided to join a little game of....Egyptian Rat Screw. Megan, Adam, and 2 other girls, and Manuel were playing. Manuel was being a SORE loser and was all mad when I joined in when I found a double and slapped on it. I quit, cuz he was getting me mad, and then I joined again. He was also kicking me! He's a meanie. LoL I should use my 'pseudo soccer kick' and kick him hard. Nah I can't kick.

I just ate a donut! LoL it was goooooodddd, it was big, and thick, and bready. I had an orange before that but it didn't taste all that sweet. I love SWEET oranges. This was a little....plain. I want another lemon like the one I had the other day, it was delicious. But NO I couldn't take anymore home because my godmother wouldn't let me because what was left on the tree was what was left all together, they only grow in December.

I'm getting corrected on my grammar by somebody *cough* Megan *cough* hehe. I'm gonna go now because.....I don't know what else to say. LaterZ!

Current thoughts: It huurrrrttttssssss!
Mood: content and hurt

New Patch
There is a trojan on your computer
Don't eat that banana

I made a complete and total fool of myself yesterday! I was on the stage in speech class and I underestimated my distance because I thought I had at least another footstep to get off, so I backed off and my hand missed the edge of the stage. I fell backwards and fell right into the desk behind me. I had to get picked up by this one guy Alex. I felt so embarassed I was covering my face laughing. I have a big bruise right where I hit, and I can't press down on my arm hard.

I hate Robert. GAG I just found out, I can't put G. as his last initial because my FRIEND Robert has a G. as his last initial too! OK well anyways, Robert at schoooll, I hate him. He's talking a bunch of smack. And I'm not going into details about it.

About my FRIEND Robert, who works at Whataburger, is the koolest person I know. I wish there were more guys like him. Sweet, funny, nice, cool, etc. I just wish he would get unshy and learn to talk to girls. He thinks he's ugly, and he's not. Thinks he can't get a decent girlfriend, he needs to at least try to talk to girls! When I get to talk to him he makes my day, he's easy to talk to and just....understanding. I can tell him ALMOST anything. I hope he reads this. And if he does, ROBERT I need to get out of the house, take me somewhere!

HAHA Chris (not you CSE) but my other friend Chris, had this funny chipmunk song singing "I'm too sexy for my shirt".

Welllll I shall go, my arm hurts, thought that's not what's keeping me from typing. It's the little amount of time left that I have with my friends that's making me go. LaterZ!


Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Listening to: Chris talk and type
Current thoughts: Chris is a dork
Mood: happy

Why Can't I Sit in the Chair??

Haha, yesterday Megan was hitting me because I never told her I was with Mark. She makes a good actor actually. She's convincing when she sounds like she's crying. I can make myself cry, but can't sound like it.

So I'm hoping that Frank got my letter yesterday, or hopefully today. And maybe in the next two days Joseph and Keesha will get mine. Keesha got the picture that Chris drew of a Ozzy Osbourne clown.

Man that test sucks monkey butt. Just when I'm confortable doing my essay, they call us in from the portables because there's like a thunderstorm warning and whatnot. Like...30 minutes later it's over with and there was no more!! That really ticked me off. I finished the test like at...1? I started at 9:20! That was a freaking long test man.

Well I better go because Chris is being a big fat dork. He won't leave me alone telling me to "Type type type type type" LaterZ!


Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Current thoughts: What did the blonde mother think when the school called telling her that her daughter missed 1 or more periods that day in school?
Mood: bored and content

You know it's really messed up and weird when you look in the mirror with your natural hair color and thinking "Who the hell is that looking at me in the mirror?? It's freakin-definetely not me!" Yeah...I dyed my hair last night, again, but a darker color, mom insisted on it. It made my eyes look lighter, and my hair's darker, and I look weird like....weird I guess.

So today's the TAKS test (search it up if you don't know about it, gay Bush made them make it to challenge us more, saying that the TAAS didn't challenge us enough, wasn't HARD enough). I hate having to write essays and open-ended questions. Mark you're lucky, all you have to do is the open-ended questions and not the essay. Chris....I know nothing about what you have to do. And the worst part of it is you can't study for a state test, not really. You just have to rely on what you learned over the years, or at least the year now that they messed with it. We had to reteach ourselves how to write an essay because the way they'd been teaching us through middle school and 9th grade was 'wrong'. "For example" and "In addition" "In conclusion" cannot be used in it or points will be taken or it'll be counted against us. It sucks....but sooner I get it over with the better.

K well....I shall leave because I'm gonna go meet my friends in the band hall, LaterZ!


Monday, February 23, 2004

I forgot to say, my World History teacher is evil! He embarassed me in class.

Teacher : Alright everyone, give nina a round of aplause for trying.
*class claps*

I'm still mad at him
Listening to: The Union Underground - South Texas Death Ride
Current thoughts:
Mood: Bored
Comic(s): The Moon is Yelling at me, I have love for you, I'm listening to sad songs

Nobody likes my shirt. Well my friends do, but my other friends don't. Stephen and Carlos for example, they think I'm sexist.

Guy: Hi
Girl: If you have something to say SHUT UP!

See?? What's their problem?

So I went out of town this weekend. I got like...lots of clothes. Cool pants, shirts, and stuff. I saw my mom's friend, and we went to her mom's house. They have a miniature horse, and my godmother had said it was a girl. WELL when I was trying to take pictures of "Her" 'she' was eating grass, I see something that says "That horse is NOT a girl!". I was like....I didn't need to see that! I also got to talk to Joseph. Mom let me use her cell phone to call him. He's like the 4th person to call me a tease. First Spenser, then Robert, then Nicole and Kelly and now Joseph. He was referring to the many times he's seen me on the webcam with a spaghetti strap shirt (or undershirt). I wrote 3 letters, one to my friend Frank, one to Joseph, and one to Keesha. I've been in a writing letter mood. I had this super-cool lemon. It was like an orange, it looked like one. But it didn't taste like one. It was sour, and good, and I took one home. I still need to eat it. Last time I ate one, I got sick.

My cousin Aaron is a little demon child. He abused me, he hit my head. I was hugging him and picked him up to go to the couch. He sat down for a bit, then left. I picked him up later and then he started hitting me. Didn't hurt, but still I have feelings too!

Today, I'm wearing green. For the first time it seems. Green pants, green sleeved shirts, wristband. The purse is khaki though.

Alright, laterZ people!


Thursday, February 19, 2004

Current thoughts: I want to cry
Mood: happy

DUDE this stuff is sour. I teared on the way to the library. That's crazyness, I'm never affected that much by sour stuff.

Well anyways, I'm listening to the radio this morning and I hear this thing called My Pet Fat and I'm wondering "Does this stuff REALLY work?". I mean come on, what if you go to a restaurant, and happen to forget your pet fat. How can you 'pet' your pet fat then?? I will keep reading up on it.

Man, my luck's been running then this week. Tuesday, while I was at my friend Kelly's grandmother's house, her grandmother's dog Scooby tried to hump me...and actually succeeded to do that on my jacket...YUCK. And then that night, my mom goes "Look, there's the ho-cat" and when I turn around she's rolling on the ground, I look again and the boy cat is on top of her! He was there for quite some time. So my mom says "Looks like our cat isn't a virgin anymore". I was scarred for life I might say.

I think I've gone crazy. Last night, I was dancing in the bathroom to "If you like Pina Coladas" while the cat was in there, and she was staring up at me like "Who the hell are you and what the hell have you done with my owner". Or she was just looking at me like I was crazy. I had a bad headache and so I had fallen asleep because I couldn't find the medicine, then after I woke up I found it and took some. I felt a lot better, jumping up for joy kind of better, but instead I had seen The Sweetest Thing, and started dancing to the song that they were dancing to. If Nicole had seen me she would've been like "Nina!".

K...well anyways, I need to think of some funny stuff because I have suddenly become boring, or maybe I've always been boring just thought myself interesting, LaterZ!

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Current thoughts: 'Hurry up and leave me alone already' (I said that to my sister the other day, I kinda like the way it sounds)
Mood: bored

So yesterday in class (speech) some of the students got to use the nailgun. I was one of them. It was soooo kool, except for when Michael told the teacher not to let me use it because it would push me back since I'm small. I did it like...5 times? This boy James, who's dangerous about that stuff, and is always, seems always, thinking about porn, that's all that's ever on his mind. He was trying to figure out if he could shoot the nailgun without having to put it up against something, and then he figured it out. Me and this girl Megan were wondering what the gun could shoot through, thinking if it could shoot through maybe...concrete, or the door. James aimed for the school door and shot. We heard it hit the door but no indention to where it hit. He went and looked for the nail and he found it on the floor, all bent and messed up. The theater arts teacher saw James shoot the gun and started yelling at our teacher saying "You have some immature students playing with your tools Mr. Bryan, you need to get after them or watch them more". The teacher didn't even care, he acted like it when the theater arts teacher was there, but when he left he laughed about it, but told James not to do it again saying "I don't want any students going to the nurse with nails in their leg or something." P.E. we haven't had MANY interesting conversations that stuck out but here were two things that I thought were funny that Dustin had said:

Dustin- I wanna fuck a dog.
Me- That was random
Dustin- Yeah I know, I wanted to break the silence.

Dustin- You know what?
Me- Huh?
Dustin- They have a gay mafia.
Me- Oh really..
Dustin- Yeah, it's called the mauve hand.
Me- And??
Dustin- They ask each other "Does this gun make me look fat?" since they stuff the guns in the back of their pants.

My cat is an expensive cat, she likes to eat selenium, some pills that my dad used to take for....I don't know, maybe I should search it up. But I remember my old cat Salem liked this stomach medicine called Panokase, and everytime we did my dad's medicine he would go right for the bottle and try to eat it.

K, well anyways, LaterZ!


Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Current thoughts: Why did the man throw the clock out the window? (it's not what you think)
Mood: mad

This computer is sooooo SLOW! Well anyways, I hope mom likes her little 'surprise' *angel face*. She got me mad yesterday, and when I was washing dishes there was this baby lizard on the door. I picked it up and put it in the house, there's enough bugs in the house for the lizard to live on until it gets a little bigger. I just hope my mom and sister notice it.

I just found out that my house is haunted, or at least my mom and sister think so. They see this black thing that walks across in the hall and supposedly someone before my dad moved into the house commited suicide. Maybe that would explain the sudden breezes while I'm in the kitchen, or maybe I've been imagining it all along and my mom's just trying to scare me.

K so now I feel all weird, and I'm going to go because....I feel weird. LaterZ!

Current thoughts: Why did the man throw the clock out the window? (it's not what you think)
Mood: mad

This computer is sooooo SLOW! Well anyways, I hope mom likes her little 'surprise' *angel face*. She got me mad yesterday, and when I was washing dishes there was this baby lizard on the door. I picked it up and put it in the house, there's enough bugs in the house for the lizard to live on until it gets a little bigger. I just hope my mom and sister notice it.

I just found out that my house is haunted, or at least my mom and sister think so. They see this black thing that walks across in the hall and supposedly someone before my dad moved into the house commited suicide. Maybe that would explain the sudden breezes while I'm in the kitchen, or maybe I've been imagining it all along and my mom's just trying to scare me.

K so now I feel all weird, and I'm going to go because....I feel weird. LaterZ!


Friday, February 13, 2004

Current thoughts: My hair looks yucky
Mood: happy

Wednesday night I had the best tasting oxy-moron there could ever be, jumbo shrimp doesn't even compare. Fried ice cream! It tastes so good. It still makes me wonder HOW they do it!? Well the only thing I know about it is that it's covered in corn flakes (Frosted Flakes I think) and is fried, but how does it NOT melt?? Do they put it in the freezer right afterwards? They top it off with whipped cream and fudge and it's served inside a crunched taco or whatever, shaped like a bowl. Oh, and last night, I know this sounds weird but I had...popcorn and mustard. You may think I'm weird, go ahead, but I'm telling you it's the greatest. The only thing missing last night though was the pickles, we didn't have any *tear*. I finally got that craving out of my system.

Well anyways, it's Friday, and usually I don't like Fridays, but today is the exception. Only except for the fact that I half-a$$ed my hair today, meaning that I ironed the bottom but not the top. So the top looks all frizzy and whatnot. It kinda looks like my favorite AMC character, but let's face it, I'll never be able to do my hair like that.

K, well LaterZ!


Thursday, February 12, 2004

Current thoughts: What the hell is a love swing?? Let alone a love sling??
Mood: happy

OK, so I'm listening to this radio station this morning, and people were saying what they wanted for Valentine's Day. Some girl was saying that she wanted her husband to get her a love swing, it hangs from the ceiling. I'm curious as to...what is the purpose?? She was also talking about the love sling, where this sling goes around the neck, and the string goes all the way to the ankle and the guy carries the girl. Where the heck to people come up with this stuff???!!!

My friends are currently trying to get me mad, they're staring at me, and messing with the computer WHILE I'm trying to do this post, he just umplugged the stupid keyboard just now!

I'm hoping my friend gets my letter today so she writes me back. It sucks that she lives all the way in Kentucky and I can only communicate to her by 'Snail Mail'. I have so much to tell her now. I'm getting so mad at this current moment because everything's going on. Laura's on the verge of not talking to me because I won't give Alfredo a chance...and Nicole won't quit bugging Spenser to tell me that he likes me.

Now they're mentioning about my whole 'letter' incident last year with James and Kirby. It's not my fault James called me a bitch and Kirby slapped my butt. I only killed 2 birds with one stone.

THAT'S IT. I'm killing this post, I can't think with them talking about me, looking at me. GRR!! LaterZ


Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Listening to: silence
Current thoughts: DUDE....I need money!
Mood: happy

I don't know what it is that makes old people snap. Maybe it's the absence of children, the youth. Bill, next door neighbor that died, surely didn't snap, it's probably because he had me and my mom over there for what seems everyday. There's this married couple a few blocks from me and I know that they don't have any children living with them, all their children are grown up and have children of their own. But this couple, I think it's the wife, they have two white (fake might I add) ducks in their backyard and you can see them since they have a hurricane fence, but these ducks scare me. It seems they're always dressed. They'll have something like...a raincoat, or something like that. Sometimes it seems like they are...boys, and sometimes girls. It's SCARY! They're dressed up in dresses right now, in red and white, since it's Valentine's coming up of course. So..if they have no clothes on, does this mean they're naked?? I've been pondering on that for quite some time now.

OK, so I'm not sick, maybe I was yesterday just the tiniest bit, but I ate and didn't throw up so that must be a good thing??

I really need money. I came up with this idea last night. I'm grounded from the phone and internet right?? The most two efficient ways to communicating with someone. Well I thought last night, since I'm grounded from those two things, why can't I get walkie talkies? (or whatever they call those things these days, 2 way radios?) She didn't say that! I can't get in trouble for using those. The only problem is...I need money, or ask my uncle if he still has his from a few years ago. Me and Mark don't live more than two miles from each other, they'd work perfect. Just tell each other what time to turn on the walkie talkies and then TA-DA, it's done, phone made easy (or something like that).

Okies, well I'm done with my whole....what is this again?? Well anyways, yeah, I actually am happy, I think I rely too much on sugar products to make me upbeat because this morning I had a cinnamon twist and now I'm HAPPY! LaterZ!


Monday, February 09, 2004

K, I'm back from my pause of posts. Friday I didn't feel like posting. Favorites was cool, except for the fact that my friend danced like.....NO COMMENT. Saturday was veering for me NOT to go to Favorites, everything went wrong. Friday we had bought some pins for my neighbor to do my hair with, and then, we lost them. Don't know how, seemed to vanish, but I bet we find them this week and go "Damn it where were these when I needed them". We spent like another 5 bucks on hair stuff. So we get my nails done, all good there, we go to WalMart and the next thing that happens, my nail chips right on the truck door. We get home, and decide it's rest time until like 5, but then the neighbor calls us and says that if I wanted to risk getting sick, that she would do my hair because everyone at that house was sick with the stomach virus. SO, that was my Saturday, and I don't feel good, think I got the stomach virus after all. This will be, yet again, another sucky post because I don't know what to talk about. LaterZ!

Thursday, February 05, 2004

OH I almost forgot to add, I want that shirt!!! I saw this shirt yesterday that said "Freak seeks other geeks" I thought it was so cute, but I doubt mom will get it for me! *tear*
Current thoughts: I rule, not really, but just thought I'd say that
Mood: forcing to be happy
New MY Word(s): muches

K, I owe it to all my friends to at least do a happy post today. And here's something that happened this morning:

Me: Mom are you going to use the Ex-Boyfriend today??

I think I should've been more specific because she thought I asked if she was going to use HER ex-boyfriend today when I was really asking if she was going to use the new Ex-Boyfriend shirt, which yes, it's added to my 'boy collection' of shirts. Steven asked me why I have shirts about boys and they sound like I hate them. I only have 3 shirts now about boys. "Boyfriends make nice pets" "Boys are Smelly" and now the best one "Ex-Boyfriend" where it has a picture of a boy and girl and the boy's face is all markered out. Maybe Michael will get the idea now, hehehe. I also got a kool watch yesterday, it has Boys Are Smelly on it. I thought I almost ruined it yesterday because I accidently wore it to take a bath and I don't think it's waterproof.

So one person's noticed my nails so far. Yesterday I went with my mom to go get her nails done (with as rough as I am with my nails I'm not doing them until Saturday). I was bored and decided to try out all different colors on my nails, and I didn't take off 3 of the nails on my left hand and one on my right thumbnail. And this boy noticed and goes "You know your nails are different colors". At least I'm getting noticed for something.

I was thinking yesterday, and an old crush of mine just popped into my head, I had met him like...before 5th grade and at that VBS thing they do every summer. The reason he popped into my head is because I remember when we were playing kickball his best friend was playing the base person and I was going to run past him and he kicked me trying to stop me, and kicked me RIGHT on my shin, I remember I like blacked out for a second because I don't remember seeing anything when he kicked me. Easy way to get your crush to notice you though, hurt yourself right in front of them and they sit next to you the rest of the day. Hehe.

Alright, I can't think of anything more happy, if I have anything more happy it just won't pop into my head at this moment. And if I do get anything in my head I'll write it down and put it in tomorrow seeing as how my short term memory isn't very good. LaterZ!


Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Current thoughts: life sucks
Mood: ...don't ask

Know what I learned in World History yesterday?? That the queen is a girl! Sorry just trying to find some humor, that wasn't it I guess. I had to do an impromptu in speech class yesterday, and it was sooooo nervewracking (if that's not a word then it's mine!)! I did it on duct tape, and even though I had all the words in my head, I couldn't say it, I can never find the words to say anything and that sucks butt!

Man, so my assumptions were correct, he does like me still and it's p---ing me off I swear. It's not for the fact that he likes me, because I could care less, but it's the fact about the way he's going about it. He's trying to get Josh to ask me why I don't like him when Michael knows all too well why, or maybe he doesn't, and I could give a flying freak if he ever finds out. The only thing I'll say about his sorry ass is that he blew his chance a LOONNGGG time ago and it's never EVER going to happen again, I learned my mistake the second time.

I've been thinking about what to do on Sunday, and I know it's like way too early to tell what I'm going to do, but I really want to go to my mom's boyfriend's mother's house to maybe try and visit my friend Armando. It's been ages since I've talked to him and usually I can tell him everything, even if he tries to lighten it up WAY tooo much. Buuuuttttt I don't know what's going to happen, and I know mom will just go "HELL no" so what's the use in even trying??

And my friends...SOME, are getting me mad, and need to back the freak off a bit,, it's getting annoying, but I'm not mentioning names here.

K well, I know this sounds like I'm pissed off, so I'll just get off before I start ranting on and on and on. LaterZ


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

How did I know this was going to happen??? That my ex-boyfriend would start calling around this time of the year? Is it because it's been almost a year since we broke up and he's still hung up on me?? OR has he not found a date to Favorites and is hoping that I'll be free. I remember our conversation in the first semester of school and there was a glimmer of hope in his voice when he asked me if I was thinking about going to Favorites, but dude, that was like in November? HOW am I to make a decision that early? Maybe I just knew he was going to start calling because he's predictable like when you know what's going to happen to the glue inside of an open bottle and you forget to close it (I'm sorry if that didn't make sense, it made sense last night when I thought about it). I can't find words to talk right now, maybe it's because I feel rushed seeing as how it's 8:40 and my friends are waiting for me in the band hall, I know this has probably got to be the most SUCKIEST post I've ever done, or if you've read my archives, those probably suck more. I'm gonna go, BYE! LaterZ!


Monday, February 02, 2004

Current thoughts: Being sick sux
Mood: exhausted and irritable
New MY Word(s): memorie (Chris used it on the tagboard, it's mine now I called it!)

I got a date to Favorites, not Spenser, but it's all good. At least I don't have to go by myself :D.

MANNN Long weekend, well it actually passed by fast. I got sick, still sick, and it sucks. Let's seee....Saturday, my sister had a party. It was fun actually, considering that I kicked Mark's butt in the moonjump hehe. It's funny because me and Mark spent more time on the moonjump than all the little kids did, I think they got bored on it, all they thought about doing was JUMPING. We fought. Of course it all mostly ended when I ACCIDENTLY, I said ACCIDENTLY MARK!, kicked him someewhheerreee (Chris knows it as No-No). It's not my fault that moonjumps alter your movement ability because of the air in the thing. I got pictures of you Mark! Let's see you try and delete them now.

Here were a few conversations Friday (at school) that I thought were funny-

Nicole: Lots of guys like you.
Me: Nobody likes me, I swear!
Layla: *puts hand on leg* But I like you.
Me: *screams*

Nicole: lets act like civil people
Me: But we can't act like civil people, this isn't the civil war.
Nicole: Can't we all act like civilized people?!

World History Teacher: Who's picture is this? *looks for name, finds it* Oh okay, I found it, I better not say who's it is, I'm afraid she'll come up here and kick my butt.
(and of course we all know who that person is)

The same teacher was talking about beating Moody (who's team happens to be the Trojans) for the basketball team and some boy decided to be smart so Raymond snitched him out:
Raymond: Sir, Jimmy said "You gotta be stiff when you go against the Trojans.

OK, well I'm gonna go because Nicole and Kelly just came to bug me to get out of the library, so I'll write back tomorrow! LaterZ
