Monday, December 19, 2005

A few stolen cakes, a cup, and...

Well yeah. Peter Piper can sure bring the fun out of everyone. Minus me locking the keys in the trunk and having a security jimmy the door open. Needless to say we got that sucker open no scratches or damage. Mom was pretty pissed.

Mom stole cake, Stephanie stole cake, mom stole a cup for David. Peter Piper is so easy to steal things as long as anyone at the table isn't paying attention.

Two cousins, David and Bran, doing "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!" on the DDR machine.

Getting mad because Bran beat me at air hockey. Being accused of cheating by DAvid, Stephanie, and Jams, at air hockey.

Seeing that deer mounts can be used for more than decoration.
Ex. - Bra hanger, boxer hanger, underwear hanger, and my 1up beanie hanger.

Final exams suck. But 2 more days of school. It's been cold. It makes me happy.