Monday, August 02, 2004

Listening to: Jojo - Use My Shoulder
Current thoughts: ...dunno, cookies taste gooooood
Mood: happy

Man was I stupid. I walked into Taco Bell. Well...the door opens RIGHT onto my knee and I almost yelled out "F*ck!" But I said it under my breath and instead of yelling I grabbed the edge of the trashcan and started laughing. LAUGHING?! It's my defense mechanism for when I get hurt. 6th grade falling out of my desk, couldn't quit laughing. And that was in front of my crush then. Then again later on in that grade I thought I was short enough to run under the volleyball net and then I ran right into it in front of my crush AGAIN. I started laughing then too, then ran to the girls dressing room cuz I was embarassed. I had fun, my cousin Aaron can't say Nina so he says "Nini" (as you can hear from the audioblog). He punched me in the eye, and threw a hat at me. I paid him back by throwing the hat at his head. He wasn't happy and he ran under the table hiding.

k LaterZ


ps...GILMORE GIRLS RULES! (disc 1/6)

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