Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Listening to: Skye Sweetnam

Mark got suspended yesterday. So now it's mocking time for me and Kelly. My Bawls mints and badge holder shipment should come in tomorrow or Friday, along with my camera. I'm looking forward to that. I lost my ID today and I thought I was going to get in trouble. But luckily they aren't inforcing that rule until next week. So at least I'll get the badge holder before Monday and not have to buy a lanyard.

I had a test in Chemistry. I thought I was going to bomb it, I was so nervous. She was going to make us remember the "butt diagram" and do it word for word on the test. We got the test and it was all multiple choice, 50 problems, minus the two math problems. I finished it before Sean, though I think it was because he fell asleep. I'm still plotting revenge on that girl in my class. It's come to a pause, but I'm thinking on it. Give me ideas!


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