Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Listening to: Boulevard of Broken Dream
Current thoughts: i dunno, kinda deep, I kinda wanna argue with someone
Mood: Yar.
New MY Word(s):
Notes (sorry toma, i like ur idea):

School sucks. I'm just getting really sick and tired of this stupid repetitive schedule with nothing exciting happening. That, on top of so much homework, killing my sleep, and I need some time to myself! Nina, I'm ranting like this on your blog because 1.) you told me I never post on your blog and 2.) because it kinda relates to your dresscode post (which I feel sorry for you about the dresscode. Those should be reserved for private and religious schools). Welp, thats all for me right now. Fin.


Angry Anonymous Retail Blogger said...
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Angry Anonymous Retail Blogger said...

The Lemonator told you that you never post on my blog. Not me. Believe me, if I had been mad about you never posting I would've told you myself on aim.