Thursday, March 04, 2004

Current thoughts: Slip-ups are the highlights of my day.
Mood: happy

Yesterday I was at the petstore, which moved around the corner from my house, which is fun for me because I can go torture the parrots. Nah I wouldn't do that, but they're fun, because one of them makes sounds like a frog. Even my mom thinks so. Well yeah, so me and my mom and my sister are in a room looking at these baby lovebirds, the kutest little things and I want one. Since I was looking at the birds and about to ask the guy if he had any applications for me to apply there this summer it came out like this-
Me: My mom was wondering if you had any love-
I then caught myself at what I just said, the guy was looking at me like "What did you just say?" So I had to say I was asking for an application. That, was by far the most embarassing moment ever in a store. Besides the time I was sexually harassed by a little 2 or 3 year old. LoL I got a cage for my baby (Pecan the gerbil), it's bigger and so now I can get her a roommate so she won't be lonely anymore. Yay

Of all people to see! I saw Albert, a person that my friend had a crush on in middle school, and dude, he looked at me all funky. I wanted to just go flick him off and slap him upside the head. But of course that would set a bad example to my little sister, like I could care?! Durn it, I should have taken my chance when I could.


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