Monday, May 23, 2005

Exempt from English and I find that relieving. I didn't finish The Catcher in the Rye and the test is over that. I only had about 15 more pages, and I skipped to the end.

So Cynthia is using/abusing my camera to its full extent. We decided to cheat and take a picture of the teacher's review sheet in Chemistry. *snicker* I think the teacher might have suspected something when we were coming out of the classroom laughing our asses off. I don't regret it, the test is today and I'm almost half-way done with my cheat-sheet. I got all the vocabulary written. I need some formulas. I have until...2:30. I have enough time. Next class, and 6th period. Also lunch.

I took a picture of the Biology review sheet. Hopefully it's the same as ours, because it was off a girl that's in CMC. Usually the tests are the same, it's just they get to use their notes and stuff.

Ryan Cabrera concert was Friday. It was better than Maroon 5. I can't believe Avion is so hyped up. They only have one/two songs I recognized. The second song wasn't really something I had heard and then on the way home, changing radio stations TWICE, they were on there. Heard that song 3 times in the vicinity of 3 hours, twice in less than 10 minutes.

I'm glad this is the last week of school. I've been so stressed out. I've written more on Livejournal, so if you're wondering (which I'm guessing you're not) why I haven't written on here, well it's there. I've been lazy to log on to blogger. And the school also blocked it for a week which was weird. It's unblocked now (hence the writing in it now).

I'm a loser/dork/geek. I'm wearing the backpack-purse my sister got me almost exactly 2 years ago (so many days from now, too lazy to do the math) because I can't use a backpack in school this whole last week. Guess what's on it?? Hello Kitty. See if the purse my ex from 7th grade gave me wasn't "retired" (I don't use it anymore seeing as how it's beat up pretty badly from years of use and 'abuse' meaning i used it for everything), I'd wear that. Powerpuff girls is a little less embarassing.


1 comment:

one badass muthafucka :D said...

Ooooo... I love the catcher in the rye..they let you all take purses? that is fucking gay, we cant even take purses, not like i would take a purse, but still that is gay..