Thursday, June 02, 2005

I think I had stressed myself out over school so much, that even though it's summer vacation, I'm still having dreams about it.

Yesterday's dream I had a dream that I apologized to Mark. Yeah, simple enough. But it was at school.

Last night's dream I dreamed that it was Biology finals. All our parents were there, even my mom was there. It was me, that boy vince that I REALLY do not like, Samantha, and this boy Robert. We were all in a group. Everyone's final in the class was to do an interpretation of "The Godfather part II", with a bunch of animals. The animals included things such as hermit crabs, turtles, snakes, starfish, and the list could go on and on. I named our hermit crabs Jerry, Frank and I forgot the other names. And I was about to kick that boy Vince's butt. And then I woke up.

The other day I had 3 dreams in one night. Won't go into detail.

Crazy dreams.

1 comment:

Frank said...

Good thing too, 'cuz Vince would've gotten the dream-ass kicking of his life. Belee-dat!