Friday, April 08, 2005

I just realized all this about the pope dying.

Michelle was making fun of him a few months ago. BAD BAD MICHELLE.

I would've made fun of him too =P.

But what's funny is my mom's boyfriend's mom (who has alzheimer's) was kind of with it the day they were doing reports on tv about it. She tells me and my mom from the other room "Hey you guys. The pope died today." Mom said that later on she had mentioned something about God. And my mom said that when people are old and realize that by then they're suffering and God's not really helping no matter how much they pray, they start thinking differently. She said that's how she was talking that day (but I wasn't around to hear). I wish I had known her earlier, before all this began happening. When I first met her I guess I wasn't "pretty" enough, because the second time I met her she told my mom "She looks prettier than last time." Now she gets mad because I laugh if she says something and tells me "That's rude, you're laughing at me! Bear, she's laughing at me." I don't mean to laugh, and I know it's not nice. It's just sometimes she says funny things and I can't hold it in.

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