Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Sara: =/ I'm going to ask one of my friends tomorrow if i should.
cAt DoG aLi: you should ask ebay
Sara: ..i mean, when they announce the date of the dance and everything.
cAt DoG aLi: i mena!
cAt DoG aLi: vince*
Sara: EBAY!
Sara: YAY
cAt DoG aLi: lol
Sara: "hey ebay..wanna go to the winter ball together?"
Sara: damn. i got shot down by an online auction service.


Angry Anonymous Retail Blogger said...

And it's comments like that that piss them off. Saying people from Iowa can't understand big words. Yes and Lemonator would cut you down anyday. They know big words AND they know latin. I'm taking their side on this.

Thane said...

Dude, we COULD cut you down any day. Yes speaks latin and I speak Japanese. What do you speak? Bastardese? Because it's clear you're trying to cover up for being an insane flirt by saying all that bull shit. "I was just messin' with her." You have any idea how wrong that sounds? Geez. And you call us dumb. You come down to Iowa, and Yes and I will beat you to the ground. Toma would come to, but he wouldn't put up much of a fight (no offense Toma). We'll make sure you realize the true meaning of pain. You let us know you're in town, and it's on.

Thane said...

Although I highly suspect you 2 are the same person, bring that Racist Ralph along with you. Yes and I will kick your ass. Why, how old are you?

Thane said...
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Thane said...

Here's something from the comics you might understand. I'm like wolverine. Short, yet mostly formidable. Although my personality isn't like his at all. I lean more toward the joker boy, Gambit. Short, yet mostly formidable. I can't think of anyone I can compare Yes to.

Angry Anonymous Retail Blogger said...


Angry Anonymous Retail Blogger said...

Except the fact that he's not a girl...=\

Thane said...

Nice. I can totally see Yes with flaming red hair, blue skin, yellow eyes. Wait a sec, this kinda sounds liek Yiggi! jk

Thane said...

Ha ha. You mean all that bull shit statistics you threw at us on PSHAA? You've gotta be kidding. 99% of all statistics are made up by lying bastards. Yes, I'm aware that that was a statistic. But I guess your feeble mind won't be able to comprehend if that was the truth, or a bastard made it up. Before you think up a witty response to turn this whole comment back to insult me, I'll have you know that my parents were married when I was born.

If you need our stats that bad, Yes and I are both 14-15ish.

Thane said...

I am aware that I cuss at you a lot. I generally don't cuss online. Until you showed up.

But as for stats, Yes and I are both at 5 feet something inches.

Yes and I are both around average weight for our heights. So do more research on the Census thingy you were talking about, and find out how much that is. Just know that Yes is a twig. I'm thinking the only reason he's at a decent weight is just because of his hair. He has really long hair. Pichler uses it as, like, a drug or something.

Thane said...

We have the courage to keep fighting. Besides, how tall are you?

Thane said...

Good god. We don't even have to fight you! You're just gonna die in 3 years! Who cares how?