Monday, October 18, 2004

Yay for me!

Talk about embarassment. I tried to kick Mark's backpack because he kept on kicking some guy's backpack (I guess they were friends they were both laughing about it) and when I lifted my leg and touched his backpack he grabbed my leg. He lifted it too high and I lost my balance therefore making me fall on the ground. Everyone going up and down the stairs probably saw, and to top it off the principal saw too. She didn't look too happy about it and had the frown saying "I'm going to take you to the office" on her face.

You know when you get that feeling of accomplishment after being lazy for so long? I know I got that feeling today when I straightened my hair for the first time in almost a month. I've been so lazy about it I haven't done it. And it's almost every night I think to myself "Yes, tonight's the night. I'm going to blowdry my hair once I get out of the shower and I'm going to straighten my hair in the morning.". But once I do get out of the shower I'm thinking "Screw it. Why waste about 20 minutes trying to blowdry my hair.". Last night, I finally did, and this morning I finally straightened it. Awww I feel so pretty. Well no, because I don't think of myself as pretty. I'll just say to myself "Well done you look good for once."

I made a 92 in English 3 this past 9 weeks. What an accomplishment for me. Whoopee (does anyone say that anymore?). I procrastinated for weeks and weeks not doing an essay I should've done in the beginning. I did it all in one night, rough draft and all. I guess all that paid off, because on my paper she said "Good job, well written, nice personal references to your life". Well something along those lines, I'm too lazy to actually get the real thing out and find out what it really says to put it on here. I guess I'll just scan it in and put it on my other blog. But the whole point about this is, I'm happy. For once, a last minute thing I do actually is well done. I would've gotten a 90 on it, but since I turned it in the last day of the 9 weeks, I got a 70. Who cares, I still got that A, unlike two of my other classes I'm sure...*cough* U.S. History and Biology *cough*



Thane said...

I yay for you.

Anonymous said...