Friday, October 29, 2004

Listening to: Skye Sweetnam - I don't Really like you

A recap of the past few days...

1.) Kelly and a few other friends were trying to talk me into dressing up on Thursday as a dead cheerleader. I was considering it.
2.) Just as I was beginning to consider it, the school goes on the p.a. and says we aren't going to be dressing up, that we were just going to wear all red.
3.) I then went on the internet, and of course went to sleep.

1.) Bad mood.
2.) Headache.
3.) Pep rally, more headache.
4.) By 4:30 in the afternoon I took two midols to try and kill the headache only to be drowsy.
5.)Was prank called by someone I didn't know at the time. I kept on calling and finally got the answering machine saying it was Amanda's phone. She then called me during the game when Megan told her I was getting a little mad. I then apologized for sending text messages over and over again only to find out she doesn't get text messages.
6.) Football game. By this time I learned to ignore the headache and watched the game.
7.) Went to sleep again, but no internet because I got home late and didn't take a shower til late.

That was still long, but better than writing in detail what happened. Oh yeah, I'm also talking to John David again. That dork. That traitor. But ah, 8th grade, picking on the 6th graders. What memories.


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