Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Now I know why I don't wear bright colors. It makes me look sick. My friend Chris (other Chris) even said it was true.

So the other day we're driving to my mom's friend's house and we pass by this street called Horne, my sister was saying all the street names and instead of calling the street "Horn" she called it "Horny". I found this hilarious. Yeah...something so boring could be so funny.

I felt my cat's stomach the other day. She's pregnant. It was cool because I actually felt her kittens kick. I also took my two gerbils to my neighbor's house. I thought the dog Honey was going to want to eat my gerbils because I put my gerbils on the couch with her and at first she was like "Get the fuck away from me" but when both the gerbils went up to her nose and touched it she got interested. She started putting her paws on their back and started licking them like they were her own puppies. It was the cutest thing. I'm not going to try that with my cat of course, she'll eat them on site I know her all tooooo well.

Yesterday during lunch I made fun of my friend Nicole (as always) and said that she was going to work at Hooters and wear a waterbra. Then me and Kelly started talking about pudding-filled waterballoons. I got the idea from that movie Now and Then. I started telling Kelly "Yeah, I'm going to come to school with pudding filled waterballoons and then people will ask me if I got breast implants." I turned around and asked Robert if a girl he liked were to stuff her bra what would he rather her stuff it with, jello or pudding? He said jello, then he goes "Hey I saw that in a movie before! The girl stuffed her bra with pudding or whatever" I guess I shouldn't tell a guy who knows why I'm asking that question.

Well...I have been slacking off lately, but I'm going to have to slack off more because it's Easter Break, as is everyone else's probably. But at least other people get to use their computers. I feel sorry for my friend Joseph because they've taken his Spring Break away. His break started today and it's Easter Break, but it's also his spring break. Yeah....K, well LaterZ! Chris, you need to call me and invite me to the park. LoL

here's my friend ashley's live journal, i can't get this to work so i'll do it later, Ashley's LiveJournal

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