I'm really tired of some people talking their shit and acting like they're all that. (this is for at least 2 people in pe). There's this one girl in my fclass who acts nice to CERTAIN people, of course I'm not one of them, but why should I care? I'm not asking her to like me. Here's how it goes, this one girl is always talking smack about me, I've never given her reason. She says I'm stingy. Dude, she's never really ever asked me for much to say I'm stingy. Out of all the times I've brought cinnamon rolls to class I can say she'sls only really only asked me for some maybe 2 or 3 times, not more than that. In all those times she asked me I can honestly say I said no once. That one time I had a reason because I hadn't eaten for a day and a half and was starving and not reaedy to give any food out to anyone. That same day she asked me for a quarter. I said no which was the truth, but I had a dollar. Now...that 's not the shape of a quaerter but when I came back tto class with food she looked pissed. Any other times I had food I would have been nice enough to fork some over if she asked, she never did of course. The other day I was eating Twang, in case you dont' know what that is it's pickle or lime flavored salt, kind of like lucas, but better. She aksed me if I could put some on her hot cheetso . You see if it was had been Lucas I'd have gladly put some in the bagf, but I can barely get twang unless I'm with my cousin because my mom won't let me buy it. I hesitated, then put a tiny bit. Iheard her telling Aaron that I was "fuckin' pinche" and all this other stuff. Yesterday she asked me for a quarter. I had one but wasn't about to give her one because I was tired of putting up a nice front like I never hear the crap she says about me. She's also said on numerous occasions that I was annoying. Who gives? I'm not trying to please her. She says I'm fucking stingy and I never give her shit. I wouldn't be talking because she's never offered me any of her hot cheetos, like I'd want them anyways, I hate them. But if she thinks I'm about to offer her my stuff she's got another thing coming for her.
I'll continue tomorrow, I dont' have anymore time BYE!
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