Friday, April 30, 2004

Chris smells. And he better call me because I'll be mad. Sean smells like butt. I got a pickle :D. Hehe I don't know what to talk about because EVERYONE is watching me so I'll write on monday. BYE!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I feel so geeky today! I'm not wearing my usual kind of shirt. My hair became the way I didn't want it, it's k, but I wanted to do it like last time. as kinda my idea to do the cap anyways, so it's part to blame on my half. We have the stupid state test for the next 3 freaking days. NOOOO...yeah. My cat woke me up at 3 this morning. I was about to kill her so I just threw her butt outside. I mouthed off to that one girl who talks smack about me. Wasn't much but it was something. I'm hoping to do more to piss her off because I'm not going to be nice to her anymore. K...well I'm gonna go because I can't seem to quit complaining about stuff....LaterZ!

Monday, April 26, 2004

Listening to: people talking and talking
Current thoughts: *blank*
Mood: bored

OK, having a cat with kittens is just like having a baby. The cat insists on going outside (waking me up) at all odd hours of the night. She got me so p-oed on Friday night because she woke me up at 1 o clock in the morning, and wouldn't quit roaming around my room. So I locked her in my mom's bathroom while I was watching tv. After she wouldn't quit banging herself against the door I opened it to find one of her kittens on the floor. The other in the box of course. She ran out of the bathroom for a few seconds then grabbed the kitten that was on the floor (looking like she was killing it or at least going to eat it), and carried it into the hallway. My door wasn't open so she set the kitten on the floor. I opened the door and she grabbed the kitten and took it and dropped it right onto my bed. I took it by then that she wanted to keep the kittens in my room. She wakes me up at 5 in the morning wanting to go outside to eat. I got mad at this point but didn't say anything, so I took her outside and brought her inside right afterwards. She wakes me up 30 minutes later and wants to go outside again. I got really mad by now and so I locked her in the bathroom again, this time putting stuff up against the door hoping that'll stall her from banging herself. I woke up at 7 and went to check on her as my first instinct. I found to my surprise that the stuff that i put against the door were gone. I opened the door and found one of the kittens on the floor, and the other kitten MISSING. Of course the cat couldn't understand what I was saying when I was yelling at her asking her where the kitten was. So I turned around and saw something black against the rocking chair. It turned out to be the kitten, asleep. When I grabbed this kitten Pewter (mother cat) grabbed the other kitten and took it back into my room. Now I have a family of kittens in my room, and with a cat who refuses to get them out of it. We took the kittens outside, she just carried them right back to the door to bring them inside, having the kittens outside ticked her off. I guess I'll have to deal with being woken up at 4-5 o clock in the morning....GOSH

Man if only Dustin could read this. We were talking the other day about me having dreams about EVERYONE else, except for someone. He of course guessed who it was on the first try. Well...I jinxed it and had a dream about this one person. GRR! He only played a small role which was walking right in front of me, but dude, I didn't want him in my dream! Guess that's what I get for jinxing myself. *sigh*

Well Chris, I know you won't get this by the time you get to school so I guess I'll see you during the day. You should call more often, AND you need to bring the notebook to school so we can make a trade. NOW that I wrote it on here, you can get reminded. LaterZ!

Friday, April 23, 2004

Haha Mark said I better quit procrastinating. NEVER!!! :D Yeah, that's me the procrastinator.
Yeahhhhhh....boring. LoL Chris Smells!
How can I be mad or sad on a day like this? I was worried last night of course, and was afraid something bad happened to my cat. This morning I went outside, and there she was climbing out from behind this board. I saw something moving but couldn't see what it was, and lifted the board. And to my surprise, I saw 2 kittens. They're so kute! I took some pics of them and I'll DL them as soon as I can but I don't think I'll continue my ranting, besides that girl was the only girl I was venting my mind out on. LaterZ cuz I need to do my research.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I'm really tired of some people talking their shit and acting like they're all that. (this is for at least 2 people in pe). There's this one girl in my fclass who acts nice to CERTAIN people, of course I'm not one of them, but why should I care? I'm not asking her to like me. Here's how it goes, this one girl is always talking smack about me, I've never given her reason. She says I'm stingy. Dude, she's never really ever asked me for much to say I'm stingy. Out of all the times I've brought cinnamon rolls to class I can say she'sls only really only asked me for some maybe 2 or 3 times, not more than that. In all those times she asked me I can honestly say I said no once. That one time I had a reason because I hadn't eaten for a day and a half and was starving and not reaedy to give any food out to anyone. That same day she asked me for a quarter. I said no which was the truth, but I had a dollar. Now...that 's not the shape of a quaerter but when I came back tto class with food she looked pissed. Any other times I had food I would have been nice enough to fork some over if she asked, she never did of course. The other day I was eating Twang, in case you dont' know what that is it's pickle or lime flavored salt, kind of like lucas, but better. She aksed me if I could put some on her hot cheetso . You see if it was had been Lucas I'd have gladly put some in the bagf, but I can barely get twang unless I'm with my cousin because my mom won't let me buy it. I hesitated, then put a tiny bit. Iheard her telling Aaron that I was "fuckin' pinche" and all this other stuff. Yesterday she asked me for a quarter. I had one but wasn't about to give her one because I was tired of putting up a nice front like I never hear the crap she says about me. She's also said on numerous occasions that I was annoying. Who gives? I'm not trying to please her. She says I'm fucking stingy and I never give her shit. I wouldn't be talking because she's never offered me any of her hot cheetos, like I'd want them anyways, I hate them. But if she thinks I'm about to offer her my stuff she's got another thing coming for her.

I'll continue tomorrow, I dont' have anymore time BYE!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Haha, ok, so yeah, I hiccuped like last week and I couldn't quit. That was funny. Well yeah, boring, but funny. Someone must not really have a life to find that kind of stuff funny. I really need to redye my hair, the red is gone. People are scaring me, and I'm scaring myself. Nah I'm just really happy to start posting again. Easter smelled, but I got money and bought Bawls. So old news. Joseph got my pics, and said he showed all his friends. Gotta go again, bYE!
K so I haven't updated my "J" lately. Yeah...the school won't let me VIEW it, I can update it but not view it. That really sucks. Chris thinks I've dressed up today since I wore earrings. NO. And I've started reading those mangas, they're kool, and no Mark I don't need help. I learned that my mom really can make me do things I don't wanna do, like pluck my freaking toes! Yeah...embarassment majorly. My cat should pop anyday soon, hoping she has lots of kitties so I can have lots of fun. OH, I can't check who writes on my "J" so....don't comment, if u do...Chris will have to tell me lol. I'll TRY And find a way to check out my "J". Well kkkkk....bye

Friday, April 16, 2004

OK Chris, I finally decided to update my "J" as you call it. I haven't been in the mood, or haven't had time. Let's see...I got glasses, and the car races got rained out. Yeah, it's boring as usual. ROMCO races are this weekend and I doubt I can go. K well I'm going to go becasue I don't know what to talk about...yeah it's that boring. LateRZ

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Now I know why I don't wear bright colors. It makes me look sick. My friend Chris (other Chris) even said it was true.

So the other day we're driving to my mom's friend's house and we pass by this street called Horne, my sister was saying all the street names and instead of calling the street "Horn" she called it "Horny". I found this hilarious. Yeah...something so boring could be so funny.

I felt my cat's stomach the other day. She's pregnant. It was cool because I actually felt her kittens kick. I also took my two gerbils to my neighbor's house. I thought the dog Honey was going to want to eat my gerbils because I put my gerbils on the couch with her and at first she was like "Get the fuck away from me" but when both the gerbils went up to her nose and touched it she got interested. She started putting her paws on their back and started licking them like they were her own puppies. It was the cutest thing. I'm not going to try that with my cat of course, she'll eat them on site I know her all tooooo well.

Yesterday during lunch I made fun of my friend Nicole (as always) and said that she was going to work at Hooters and wear a waterbra. Then me and Kelly started talking about pudding-filled waterballoons. I got the idea from that movie Now and Then. I started telling Kelly "Yeah, I'm going to come to school with pudding filled waterballoons and then people will ask me if I got breast implants." I turned around and asked Robert if a girl he liked were to stuff her bra what would he rather her stuff it with, jello or pudding? He said jello, then he goes "Hey I saw that in a movie before! The girl stuffed her bra with pudding or whatever" I guess I shouldn't tell a guy who knows why I'm asking that question.

Well...I have been slacking off lately, but I'm going to have to slack off more because it's Easter Break, as is everyone else's probably. But at least other people get to use their computers. I feel sorry for my friend Joseph because they've taken his Spring Break away. His break started today and it's Easter Break, but it's also his spring break. Yeah....K, well LaterZ! Chris, you need to call me and invite me to the park. LoL

here's my friend ashley's live journal, i can't get this to work so i'll do it later, Ashley's LiveJournal

Monday, April 05, 2004

Saturday I made a complete and total fool of myself. I went to my friend Catherine's birthday party and we went to the pool hall and everyone else was playing pool. I decided to go ahead and try and I missed the white ball the first time. And then they made me do it again and I missed it again, both times hitting another ball into the hole. I got so mad I ran to the chair I was sitting at before and started crying. Over something so STUPID. Yeah...that was the highlight of my day. Well actually no, while I was in the bathroom at home I hit a fly with a brush, that kept me occupied for 5 minutes straight, trying to hit the fly with the brush. Yeahh......bored me. K well This was fast, gotta go cuz the bell's gonna ring in like a minute. LaterZ

Friday, April 02, 2004

I need a massage so bad. I've worked out the last 2 days and I'm in the worst kind of pain. I can't find my bed buddy and my mom threw away alll the long socks, which is BAD because now I can't make a home-made bed buddy to heat up and put on my muscles. Chris, I tried to call you! TWICE! BUT NO ONE ANSWERS!? Gah. I've gotten hooked on Friends, and I've even learned some phrases.

When someone says "I think we should see other people" means "Haha I'm already seeing someone"
"we should do this again sometime" means "You'll never see me naked again"
Then there's the usual "It's not you" means "It's is you"

Well I'm sore and don't want to type, Chris....uhh..I'll try and call you this weekend IF I can. And you better ANSWER! LaterZ