Listening to- Why Can't I - Liz Phair
Current thoughts- Pickle flavored chips are addicting...
This girl comes up to me and my friends during P.E asking if we could be interviewed:
she first asks Dustin
Girl: So what do u do during lunch?
Dustin: Uhh...hang out w/ friends, talk to my girlfriend and draw
Girl: What do u draw? random things or things u see around school?
Dustin: Random things, stuff on net and stuff
Girl: What else do u like doing in school?
Dustin: Like I said, drawing and stuff...and rite now I'm really amused watching Nina burn her makeup-
Girl: U mean her eyeliner rite?
Dustin: NO, random makeup, she burned her lipgloss, only to realize that she burned the plastic and can't snap the lid back on the container because it messed up.
Girl: *laugh* Ok *talks to Ashley* What do U do during lunch?
Ashley: I and hang out w/ friends.
Girl: anything else?
Ashley: I like plotting revenge against people
Girl: *laugh* revenge against who? Friends, enemies?
Ashley: people that get me mad, and friends, hold up are you going to put this in the newspaper under our names and stuff? Ur not gong to say I plot revenge are you?
Girl: No no, I'm just asking more cuz i think it's funny *laugh* you plotting revenge against people
Ashley: *laugh* Ok good, cuz i don't want people all coming up to me "Are you going to plot something against me if I said ur ugly?" *laugh*
Weird stuff, she interviewed me, but i said same as Dustin, except the girlfriend part and...the drawing, seeing as how I can't draw. It was true about the burning my makeup, I burned my plum lipgloss, bored and I wanted to see what it would do. Turns out, it gets really hot, I put my finger in it, and it burned for like...a second I guess. But while I burned it I saw smoke, and I looked at the container, it was caved in a bit. Looks like I went a little overboard. I wanted to see what would happen if I burned cotton, and I did, it turned into a ball of fire, and I stomped on it, since we were in the gym and on concrete it wouldn't do much and it didn't, just a little brown mark where it burned.
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