Listening to: Cake - Walk on By
Current thoughts: random things
Mood: idle
I was thinking...while passing by Ocean dr. how naive I was when I was little. There are these benches along Ocean dr. and there are 2 back to back, one faces the water, one faces the street. I used to think "How could people sit on the benches facing the water if it drops off to the water?" When I got older, I found out that there are steps on the other side of the benches, then there's the water. I thought my past thoughts a result of never being taken to these benches when I was little, for me to have such thoughts.
I also thought while passing Sunset Bay on the way to Portland the thoughts I had when I was little. When it was summer, and lots of water from Sunset Bay had evaporated there were more islands than there are now, seeing as it's not hot enough. And On those little islands there would be BIG I mean HUGE congregations of birds on those islands. I remember I used to tell my uncle "Look, all those birds are getting together, and they're going to attack all us people." I still haven't figured out yet what those birds were doing, and probably will be doing summers from now, but I WILL figure that out!
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