Monday, April 04, 2005


"I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you."
"I know you are but what am I?"

Ahh yes. The infamous phrases of our childhood.

My thoughts on these phrases?

They were made for weak-minded children (not saying they're dumb) who couldn't defend themselves with quippy comebacks.

You hear "I know you are but what am I?" and it creates a vicious circle of repeat.

As I tell my sister she's a pain in the you know what, and anything else trying to get her to back off, what's the first thing that comes out of her mouth? "Whatever you say I am, that's what you are." Right...

I'm not the one who's been PMS'ing for 3 weeks straight.

My mom tells my sister she needs to stop eating so much, she needs to lose weight. First thing my sister says? "No you need to lose weight, you're fat. And Nina's fat too, she needs to lose weight." Now first off, anyone who's seen my mom's picture knows she's not fat. Second, yeah it's true what my mom tells my sister. I can't get a second plate of food without my sister saying "She's eating more food than me! That's not fair!"

This all leading up to...

My sister is pure evil, and is a perfect example of today's children. Spoiled by tv, and non-disciplined.

Plain and simple

The End
(and none of this post made no sense, I know; so don't comment me saying that because you're wasting finger energy)


Thane said...

You need to relax those fingers.

Schubert said...

you just mirrored my brother. i bet your sister and him would get along nicely. except i think he's older than your sister. so yea...