Friday, March 18, 2005

I'm gonna hold that grudge for as long as I live Michelle! Never again will I get in a wagon when she's around. I bet you anything she'd do it again if she remembered she did it back then, that jealous little girl who was mad because YOU liked ME more than HER!

She's not my best friend. And I swear, I think she was trying to have a drinking contest with me. After I'd finish my coke not soon after would she finish and get a refill.

And just for the record, if I could remember how I felt that day I bet it hurt when she tried to 'kill' me with the wagon. Did I fall out of it? I don't remember lol.


1 comment:

one badass muthafucka :D said...

Hey Nina, yeah you did fall flew on the grass. Shelby is a little bitch, she is sooo retarded... she probably was trying to have a drinking contest with you.