Monday, December 19, 2005

A few stolen cakes, a cup, and...

Well yeah. Peter Piper can sure bring the fun out of everyone. Minus me locking the keys in the trunk and having a security jimmy the door open. Needless to say we got that sucker open no scratches or damage. Mom was pretty pissed.

Mom stole cake, Stephanie stole cake, mom stole a cup for David. Peter Piper is so easy to steal things as long as anyone at the table isn't paying attention.

Two cousins, David and Bran, doing "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!" on the DDR machine.

Getting mad because Bran beat me at air hockey. Being accused of cheating by DAvid, Stephanie, and Jams, at air hockey.

Seeing that deer mounts can be used for more than decoration.
Ex. - Bra hanger, boxer hanger, underwear hanger, and my 1up beanie hanger.

Final exams suck. But 2 more days of school. It's been cold. It makes me happy.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

1. Grounded
2. Kelly Clarkson concert...'nuff said
3. Taboo
4. Caffeine'll be the end of me
5. Kiss my butt

Felt as if I've neglected this...
So here's a "NICE" post
good day

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Breaking Benjamin/Smile Empty Soul/10 years
November 5, 2005

and I'm going!

Journey, the day after. I'm going to that too.


Saturday, September 24, 2005

Yeah that damn hurricane Rita knew who was boss

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

So I'm redying my hair red even if I said I wasn't going to do it again.

I accidently set up my senior picture appointment for September 8, which is the same day as the 311/Papa Roach/Unwritten Law, concert. Luckily the appointment's at 4, so I'll have plenty of time to do stuff hopefully. I want to get there early, try and make it closer to the stage than the BFS concert. But I'm not complaining about my place in the crowd, I was as close as I wanted to be on all the songs I loved and my friend picked me up on his shoulders for 4 of the songs. Fun stuff.

Friday, August 26, 2005

I have a feeling this schoolyear will be short due to my getting out of school early everyday.

The fact that I get out 2 periods earlier means that on the TWO football games we have out of town, I can easily leave town and make it to the other city in a good amount of time. That stinks, as much as I like that most of our games are here in town, I'm actually going to miss going to another city to see what their football stadiums are like.

There are downfalls to the getting out early though. As much as everyone hates the pep rallies, I rather enjoy them. Mainly because they make me laugh at how stupid people act. Each grade fighting to win "grade of the week" and have "bragging rights" saying that they screamed the loudest. The mascot dancing around (and it's funny that our mascot is a guy "Tex" and he is played by a girl cheerleader. This fact was pointed out last year when me and my mom noticed that "tex" had tight girly pants, and had thinner arms and legs than a normal guy would have). And this year a girl is the mascot again for the very fact I had her for a class last year and the teacher blurted it out for everyone to hear. Also they have stupid themes every week for the pep rallies. This week it's "western" when we're playing wildcats. I mean come on...that doesn't even make sense. Why not wear cat ears and bowties and say that you're the kitties going after the wildcats, not "texans" rounding up the wildcats or something or other. And the dressing up is just to win a spot on the "spare couch" Which is a beat up red couch that sits on the floor of the gym in front of easily 1000 students.

Oh and the cheerleaders. Their dances that aren't even that good. Shaking their butts in front of the football players. The "TexAnns" are just girls who can do everything a cheerleader can but can't scream (in my mind that's my view).

Man...didn't expect this to be a rant

Friday, August 12, 2005

1985 was NOT my first BFS song

Anyone who thinks they're badass just because they listened to them after they heard about that song, and showed up to their concert last night only because that song, are nothing but f***ing posers.

Sorry but have to say that.
Come back to Texas...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I need to get out of those 'emo' state I've fallen into.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Car races tonight....hopefully

Tomorrow..well you take a guess

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Oh and just curious...can cats get hernias? =/
I can't sing. I know the words, but I can't sing. It's probably the fact it IS 5:16 in the damn morning.

Radio Disney is gay for the fact they made up new words to "Almost" (Bowling For Soup). DAMN THEM. Other than that, they're the whole reason why I want XM radio in our car. I'm tired of having to go to San Antonio to listen to Radio Disney. (yes I'm a kid, shut your mouth)

I have a feeling I'm allergic to caffeine.

Try not to talk when there's nothing to say...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A much needed update was done to the pics. Yeah, most of me. But they were edited. I just haven't been using my camera lately. I need to actually. I know I'll be getting some pics in on my bday party, but that's too far from now. Maybe tomorrow I'll straighten my hair and get some pics when we go out tomorrow (my mom's bday). Eh whatever
311, Papa Roach, Unwritten Law

3 great bands. 1 day, 1 night. September 8. I'm gonna find a way to go if it's the last thing I do.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

That is so damn gay. Just when I'm all upbeat to go take pics at the Bayfront before the storm hits, my friend's tire goes flat. THEREFORE:
1. I don't get to go to the Bayfront
2. I don't get to get my peppermints because I told mom NOT to get me peppermints. GAY

Hurricanes/storms are gay. If you don't live on the coast just be glad.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Ashley's my BISH. HAHA j/k

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Jennifer Tilly
me + a room with bi and gay people, or just some really funny girls = funnyness in the room

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I got those tickets. HECK YES. (not saying WHAT tickets I got though because someone who doesn't know who he's going to go see in concert might read this) All he needs to know is it's someone he likes and CAN sing along to.
I laugh at how little 9 year olds talk on the phone. I didn't really talk on the phone until 6th grade. Yeah I randomly used the phone in elementary school, but not SO much. And you see little 11 year olds with cell phones. WTHeck?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Listening to: Toby Keith - Should've Been a Cowboy [LIVE]

My sidekick STILL kicks your cell phone's ass.

The pineapples sided with the pepperoni and now the canadian bacon has been voted off the island.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My Mobile Thoughts is now in business

My sidekick kicks any of your cell phone's asses

Friday, July 01, 2005

Ignorant people never get the idea I guess.

Monday, June 20, 2005

I'll make my move
and it won't be pretty

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'm a webcomic junkie

Friday, June 10, 2005

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And my scars remind me that the past is real
I tear my heart open Just to feel...

Si, I'm currenly singing that on a full stomach. I want to sleep. But I can't sleep. I want to watch a movie, but I'm done with "Raise Your Voice". I want to hang out, but I have nobody's number to hang out with. Everyone's gone. Catherine has her phone off, she has a car. Oscar has summer school, I think. Brandon doesn't talk to me anymore and when he does he doesn't act like he wants to talk. Anyone else is too busy.

Dyed my hair again. Even though I get compliments on how good the color looks on me, I still don't see myself actually going permanent with it. I'm rather fond of the light brown hair with blonde highlights inside. But sometimes it feels good to go black. Maybe next time, just to see what happens, I should try the blonde mousse and see what my hair turns out like. The stuff doesn't last long enough anyways. Only the darker color does because my highlights hold the color longer. Meaning I have purple highlights for about 2 weeks after I dye my hair even if it lasts only 8 washes.

I think officially yesterday was my first day of reading Harry Potter meaning I have to work my ass off to read all 5 books in 2 weeks. Can I do it? Who knows. Maybe, instead of using my insomniac-ism to be on the computer or play my gameboy, I'll read the books instead. Books 1-3 were easy to read. I think I read each one in about a week. If I spend hours reading I could easily read the first 2 in a day or 2. Then onto 4 and 5 where those will give me trouble. It took me 2 weeks to read the 4th book, and 5th book, but I didn't read them consistently, I skipped a day or so. So if I kept on it, I'm sure I could get my 2 week mark in. And then in July Dalilah can buy me the 6th for my bday. How fun.


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

blog blog blog

that is all

Friday, June 03, 2005

I've come to the conclusion it's not the Nyquil that made me have weird dreams. I didn't take nyquil last nite and I had a weird dream that Robert DeNiro came to have dinner. We had a mansion. DeNiro hated my dad, vice versa, and DeNiro was hitting on my mom. He was really cool. And then there was something to do with Laser Station, and this guy Aaron who had a knife I let him borrow.

Yeah I think I'll stop there.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

I think I had stressed myself out over school so much, that even though it's summer vacation, I'm still having dreams about it.

Yesterday's dream I had a dream that I apologized to Mark. Yeah, simple enough. But it was at school.

Last night's dream I dreamed that it was Biology finals. All our parents were there, even my mom was there. It was me, that boy vince that I REALLY do not like, Samantha, and this boy Robert. We were all in a group. Everyone's final in the class was to do an interpretation of "The Godfather part II", with a bunch of animals. The animals included things such as hermit crabs, turtles, snakes, starfish, and the list could go on and on. I named our hermit crabs Jerry, Frank and I forgot the other names. And I was about to kick that boy Vince's butt. And then I woke up.

The other day I had 3 dreams in one night. Won't go into detail.

Crazy dreams.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Exempt from English and I find that relieving. I didn't finish The Catcher in the Rye and the test is over that. I only had about 15 more pages, and I skipped to the end.

So Cynthia is using/abusing my camera to its full extent. We decided to cheat and take a picture of the teacher's review sheet in Chemistry. *snicker* I think the teacher might have suspected something when we were coming out of the classroom laughing our asses off. I don't regret it, the test is today and I'm almost half-way done with my cheat-sheet. I got all the vocabulary written. I need some formulas. I have until...2:30. I have enough time. Next class, and 6th period. Also lunch.

I took a picture of the Biology review sheet. Hopefully it's the same as ours, because it was off a girl that's in CMC. Usually the tests are the same, it's just they get to use their notes and stuff.

Ryan Cabrera concert was Friday. It was better than Maroon 5. I can't believe Avion is so hyped up. They only have one/two songs I recognized. The second song wasn't really something I had heard and then on the way home, changing radio stations TWICE, they were on there. Heard that song 3 times in the vicinity of 3 hours, twice in less than 10 minutes.

I'm glad this is the last week of school. I've been so stressed out. I've written more on Livejournal, so if you're wondering (which I'm guessing you're not) why I haven't written on here, well it's there. I've been lazy to log on to blogger. And the school also blocked it for a week which was weird. It's unblocked now (hence the writing in it now).

I'm a loser/dork/geek. I'm wearing the backpack-purse my sister got me almost exactly 2 years ago (so many days from now, too lazy to do the math) because I can't use a backpack in school this whole last week. Guess what's on it?? Hello Kitty. See if the purse my ex from 7th grade gave me wasn't "retired" (I don't use it anymore seeing as how it's beat up pretty badly from years of use and 'abuse' meaning i used it for everything), I'd wear that. Powerpuff girls is a little less embarassing.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

I made a new blog, the link is on the side. It's for my phone. I decided to try out that blog from your mobile phone. Thing is I don't have MMS email, I have SMS email. So the posts come out with HTML I think. Maybe this summer I can get that fixed when I get a new phone. HOPEFULLY a camera phone, and if my mom won't let me get one I'll just buy it myself. I don't necessarily have to email pics with the phone I want to get because the one I want has a memory card that I can stick into my computer.
I'm a procrastinator. I don't want to work. My teacher's not in here, and I'm trying to figure out how to use email on my phone. Yes, I've had my phone since July and I have YET to figure out how to email. All I do is text message, and I rarely talk on the phone now since me and mark don't talk anymore. There's the random P.J. call and then the call from Joseph and then my friend when telling me if he's at my house. But besides that and the calls my mom makes when she needs something done, I barely talk.

I dyed my hair black yesterday. Well technically it isn't dying, it's going to wash out within a week. But if it changes the color of my hair, it's dye. I suddenly had a "dare to be different" attitude and saw the dye and told my mom "I want to do it, can I do it, please?" and I got the dye. But then I read that with long hair it might need 2 cans. So I got my mom to get another one. Turns out, NO I didn't need another can, the one can was more than enough. The dye was purple. I got it all over my ears and forehead and neck. It didn't want to wash out all the way, the water was coming out light light purple, so I let it be afraid that maybe it would wash out all the color. I blowdried it, and straightened it this morning. Now the purple is coming out on my fingernails and fingers. That's not a good thing is it? A few people have noticed the hair which is what I wanted. Next time I should do it red. Hopefully it doesn't ruin the blonde highlights I got a month ago.

K well gotta go before the sub comes around over here and gets after me.


Friday, May 06, 2005

Do narcoleptic and epileptic people take showers instead of baths for the fear of falling asleep or having a seizure in the bath and drowning?
Can chickens be diabetic?
I know this is going to be a very vague request but does ANYONE know a way to find a book of poetry. More of a collection of poems by different people.

I'm trying to find a poem on Sir Lancelot or Lancelot, not sure. I know I checked out a book last year after finding out the name of it from English class. But I don't think the school keeps records of the student's checked out books over their years in school, probably just the year's books. I know it wasn't at my school, I had to get it from another school. But I can't even remember the name, and I THINK it started with an M. I know I'm asking an outrageous thing, but I seriously need a poem for my class. I wanted to do that poem since it was short and I'd be able to make a good layout for it, but I just cannot remember for the life of me, and I'm too nervous to talk to my English teacher from last year about trying to go through papers to try and find it, I'd probably get a papercut looking.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I'm running on adreniline and Dew right now. My brain goes "Mrrr-EIT-Mrrrr".

Monday, May 02, 2005

It'd be funny if I could talk my mom into taking me to the San Antonio Zoo to just take a picture of a Toco Toucan. I really really want to take a picture, one I can call my own, instead of looking on the internet for pictures other people have taken. The project is due May 23 so maybe, just maybe, I can maybe get my grandmother to take me.

I, being one for wanting to be different in my class, decided to choose the Toco Toucan for my powerpoint project. Nobody would've thought of the "fruit loops" bird themselves. Everyone wants monkeys, lions, tigers, panthers, etc.

I've already found the whole part of Section I on my paper (description and stuff). And then part of Section II (habitat, where it's found, etc.). At the rate I'm going I'll have all the information in no time. I just want good pictures.

Who knows...It could happen.
Nobody can beat my mad tile-sock-skating skillz, YO.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Alot to look forward to

May 3 -
DVD : Gilmore Girls season 3
CD : Fall Out Boy

May 10 -
CD - The Starting Line: Bedroom Talk (HELL YEA)

May 14 -
Truck races! Frank's paying =P

May 26 -

Most of the whole month of June...
California sunshine.
Meaning me in a *cough* bikini *cough*

Saturday, April 23, 2005

What would you rather be, an orange or a leaf?
How would you rather die? Drown, or be eaten by a shark?

Friday, April 22, 2005

Want chicken salad, I made it with ham.
I remember in 8th grade my English teacher was talking to me and my friends. When she mentioned the guy I liked and how me and him were really close in class I got red and was smiling alot. She had said that she could tell I was really smiling because she could see it in my eyes. I always pondered this. How could anyone see it in my eyes that I was truly smiling? Is there a certain sparkle that I can't see if I just smile and look in the mirror? I've always wondered this when I've tried to see what she was talking about and I'd look in the mirror and smile to see what it is she saw.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


TAKS testing all week. Darn you James for being a senior!(j/k) But still, you're lucky.

Math TAKS test today...I guessed on about 8, a few I think I probably did it a wrong way but the people who made the test expected a mistake like that and put the answer on there. So hopefully I got those problems right. 70 problems in all, so maybe I did good. I understood alot/some, but not all. Better not put me in remedial classes next year I swear. I want that 8th period OFF.
They should make a band called "The Blueberries" simply because I LOVE them.

Yes, a band named especially because I want it to be named that. Wouldn't that be something?

Monday, April 18, 2005


I just noticed. How many bands are there named after fruits or vegetables? And are they subliminally trying to get us to eat our fruits and veggies??

To name a few...
1. The Cranberries
2. The Raspberries
3. Black Eyed Peas


Friday, April 15, 2005

Can I borrow your imaginary friend?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I play air guitar...
Better than you play guitar!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

David in the street. Hope he sees this.
I got the American Hi-Fi cd, listened to it all. I love it. Best of all their cds in my opinion. Then my mom got the Armageddon soundtrack at Best Buy.

This morning we went to Wal-Mart, got 3 cds. Alot Like Love soundtrack, Frickin' A cd, Maroon 5 live cd.

James no worries about the races.

Catherine says she got a job at Jamba Juice. What a bish! LoL j/k, but still. The meanie.

I messed my foot up. What have I learned? Don't try and prove your cousin wrong, it ends up hurting in the end. Kickballs are a bish to kick when you're wearing big shoes. You have to put more effort and the shoes might end up pulling your foot in another direction after the ball is hit. Luckily i have to only walk up the stairs twice, not to mention down.

Friday, April 08, 2005

I just realized all this about the pope dying.

Michelle was making fun of him a few months ago. BAD BAD MICHELLE.

I would've made fun of him too =P.

But what's funny is my mom's boyfriend's mom (who has alzheimer's) was kind of with it the day they were doing reports on tv about it. She tells me and my mom from the other room "Hey you guys. The pope died today." Mom said that later on she had mentioned something about God. And my mom said that when people are old and realize that by then they're suffering and God's not really helping no matter how much they pray, they start thinking differently. She said that's how she was talking that day (but I wasn't around to hear). I wish I had known her earlier, before all this began happening. When I first met her I guess I wasn't "pretty" enough, because the second time I met her she told my mom "She looks prettier than last time." Now she gets mad because I laugh if she says something and tells me "That's rude, you're laughing at me! Bear, she's laughing at me." I don't mean to laugh, and I know it's not nice. It's just sometimes she says funny things and I can't hold it in.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Hey James, tomorrow I'll mention the monster truck races to my mom and see for sure if she'll let me go with you. Then just let you decided whether you want to go Friday or Saturday if she says yes. I think it'll cost $14, not sure. That's how much it cost last year. I'll pay for myself if we can go, don't worry! lol

And here's something a little weird that I made

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Some girl had a book that was just as bad as a romance novel, if not worse. This guy was reading it out loud and it was like HELLO rated R.

I'd laugh if it got taken up. It would surprise a teacher really bad.

Monday, April 04, 2005


"I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you."
"I know you are but what am I?"

Ahh yes. The infamous phrases of our childhood.

My thoughts on these phrases?

They were made for weak-minded children (not saying they're dumb) who couldn't defend themselves with quippy comebacks.

You hear "I know you are but what am I?" and it creates a vicious circle of repeat.

As I tell my sister she's a pain in the you know what, and anything else trying to get her to back off, what's the first thing that comes out of her mouth? "Whatever you say I am, that's what you are." Right...

I'm not the one who's been PMS'ing for 3 weeks straight.

My mom tells my sister she needs to stop eating so much, she needs to lose weight. First thing my sister says? "No you need to lose weight, you're fat. And Nina's fat too, she needs to lose weight." Now first off, anyone who's seen my mom's picture knows she's not fat. Second, yeah it's true what my mom tells my sister. I can't get a second plate of food without my sister saying "She's eating more food than me! That's not fair!"

This all leading up to...

My sister is pure evil, and is a perfect example of today's children. Spoiled by tv, and non-disciplined.

Plain and simple

The End
(and none of this post made no sense, I know; so don't comment me saying that because you're wasting finger energy)
Thanks to Brandon for sending me PSP 7 and Animation Shop 3.

I've been boring friends with gifs that I've made. Fun fun.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

This game wants to make me kill myself =/ I quit on Lvl 23

I cried

Dude Toma, that seriously made me cry. I couldn't breath. I think my face turned red because my uncle was staring at me.

But there's someone that reminds me of. I used to be so mean to her when she was little. MY SISTER.

"You're a loser"
"I'm not a loser!"
"You're a stupid baby."
"I'm not stupid! You're stupid stupid!"
"Cry baby cry, cry baby cry!"

So here, you can cry too.

"You want a strawberry? You can't have it!"

Friday, March 18, 2005

I'm gonna hold that grudge for as long as I live Michelle! Never again will I get in a wagon when she's around. I bet you anything she'd do it again if she remembered she did it back then, that jealous little girl who was mad because YOU liked ME more than HER!

She's not my best friend. And I swear, I think she was trying to have a drinking contest with me. After I'd finish my coke not soon after would she finish and get a refill.

And just for the record, if I could remember how I felt that day I bet it hurt when she tried to 'kill' me with the wagon. Did I fall out of it? I don't remember lol.


Monday, March 14, 2005

Friday, March 11, 2005

My mom's winning streak has come back, hopefully. Wednesday she won hockey tickets. But I decided to let my cousin go in my place so I can hang out with my friend. It's k, the hockey season's not over yet. I can still go.

This morning my mom calls me at 6:50 to brag to me that she won a cd off the radio. Funny thing is, we already have this cd. I got my friend to buy it for me. So now we have 2. It's all good.

Hopefully my mom can get her "winning streak" set and try and win some 3 Doors Down tickets. That'd rock.

Monday, Billy Idol concert. Tuesday, Brad Paisley. Maroon 5 March 18th. 3 Doors Down in April. Concerts galore!

Have fun in Hawaii James! (even though you can't see this until you get back)


PS- Presentations SUCK!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Rainy Day

All Day it was gloomy. Wasn't shiny. It was muggy but yet cool. And started raining. Kept me from going out until after 8.

My mom, wanting to get makeup from Foley's, thought she got some eyeliner. When we get to the car, she checks it out. Turns out it was brow-definer. She goes back into the door, it starts to pour. She comes back to the car and tells me the lady was saying "Oh well we didn't have eyeliner, so I gave you that. If you want to return the eyeliner you're going to have to give back the gift." Screw giving back the gift it was pouring. My mom got the money back and didn't return the gift. That was pretty slick.

I got The Cursed soundtrack. The first few songs are good, the rest are okay. They sorta remind me of techno, but too much of it. It makes me wonder if half the movie is placed inside a club or something.

Finally, after wanting one for so long, I've got one of those cool pillow/stuffed animals that are all squishy and soft. The filling reminds me of those bean bag chairs that are stuffed with those plastic little things that if you put them in a balloon they have a lot of static electricity. But they're smaller, like the size of...well they're small. OH like if you crush up styrofoam and it turns into those tiny little balls. That's what the inside reminds me of. Well anyways, I'm happy I finally have one, and it's in the shape of a frog. Thank you Maurice =).

Time to go back to my comic reading.


Monday, February 28, 2005

When I'm old...I hope I don't get alzheimer's. I've seen what it does to people. I'd hate to have to go through that. And put family through pain.

We were at my mom's boyfriend's house and his mom has alzheimer's. Well she never remembers who I am most of the time. Tonight I had fallen asleep for about 2 hours on the couch, she was sitting in the wheelchair and saw me moving around. When I was about to get up to go to the restroom because I was curious at how much I weighed she grabbed my arm.

"Honey, come here. Let me hold you. Just let me hold you. Sit on my knee."

and as I was trying to get up she was asking if I was alright and if I was sure I didn't want to sit in her lap

"Are you sure you don't want to sit down? Where are you going?"

So I just told her I was going to the bathroom

It makes me feel bad having to go along with them because if you say the wrong thing she'll start crying. So if she asks for 'kids' we say they're out with one of her sons. Or if the baby's in the other room and she claims she has to go put him to bed, we say that the 'nanny' already put him to bed. And then of course if we make any sort of noise she gets after us because we'll 'wake the baby up'.

Friday, February 25, 2005

On the other hand there are different toes...


That's right, I'm posting on Nubbet's blog! Why? Because...I have no idea why. Kinda bored, it's a Friday with no school, and I just watched "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle". Damn! That is the most weed I have ever seen in one place at any given time. Kind of a weird movie though. Anywho, just thought I would make a random post. Because I can. Yeap.... DO NOT QUESTION MY MOTIVES!!

This message has been brought to you cellophane wrapped and handled with care. Do not abuse it. This is not for your brain. Thank you.

Friday, February 18, 2005


Nubbets is famous now!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The sky has lost its color,
the sun has turned to gray.
At least that’s how it feels to me
whenever you're away.

Evan and Jaron - The Distance

Currently listening to that song and I love it. Thanks to Lionel for lending me the cd! =) I think I almost knocked him over from hugging him. Serendipity soundtrack, the best soundtrack! Well for the time being it is.

I have managed to find an annoyance in almost every class. Minus my U.S. History class, English, BCIS, and Chemistry (now that Robert's gone). That's bad.

W. Geo - Christian, Josh, The girl behind me (she's gone now on account of getting in a fight).
Pre Cal - Eric (he sings..and of all things, it's crappy rap) and the sophmores who think they're all better than other people. As in...Vince.
English - Frank
Biology - The new kid Deandre (sp)


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Happy Late Valentine's!

I had a great day yesterday. I might not have received flowers at school, but I got flowers from 2 people which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)

Thank you for the roses, bear, and reese's peanut butter cups :). And I hope you liked "Nubbets" =).

And thank you James for dropping off the tulips, they made me :) alot.


Saturday, February 12, 2005

Rant Rant Rant

He can go bite himself.
She can go screw herself.

It's pretty stupid what he's doing.
She's proven how much she cares about our "friendship".

He's an ass.
She's a "hippo".

That's all


Monday, February 07, 2005


Photobucket's being gay so I can't post my Favorites pictures.

Favorites was great. Lots of fun. I was "amp'ed" up as you would say. Maurice brought by a can of Amp. I mixed it with his red bull. Not a good tasting combination. But it was good all the same. I was hyper at the dance. I actually attempted to dance. And I realized after all this time I was avoiding to dance, because I really suck at it. It was a song that actually gave you the directions, but once everyone started getting down I was like "Screw this, I'm not going down. I can't do that" and left. I had more fun acting like I was dancing than actually doing it. I think we (John David and me) only danced 3 songs. They didn't play much slow dance music. I was the loudest I have ever been at a dance.

Pictures to be posted on My Pictures. Comment on them when I do! =D


Friday, February 04, 2005

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Just because my feet are claustrophobic doesn't mean I'm weird *tear* =(
I smell like cotton candy!!! It smells so good I want to bite my hand. Hehehe

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Freshmen are Evil...


Sorry, this is directed for the annoying boys in my World Geography class. Don't take offense if you're in 9th grade because there's no snowball's chance in hell that you'd be like them probably.

Bad bad bad

I am a bad person. Very bad. I should be punished.


You wouldn't talk to me, you would be disappointed in me.


Monday, January 31, 2005



And after learning what P.O.S. really meant...hehehe. Thanks for filling me in on that Maurice. I saw this and thought of you. =D

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The boy in front of me

Jeremy Williams is a freaking little snitch!!! He's an annoying 9th grader. He gives 9th graders a bad name.

So he sits in front of me in W. Geo class. I finish my work fairly early every week, mainly on the first day. So I read my book or I text message Maurice, or see who's online. He always turns around. He looks at me, just stares. His beady eyes. Sometimes he tries to talk to me. Sometimes he just stares. He even sings.

He'll tell me "Oh look at your phone, it's all high tech." Why the heck doesn't he leave me alone? Ever since the first week of school, I've always hated him. He tried to use "charm" (if you would even call it that) to try and get me to let him copy my work.

Jeremy: You finished with your work?
Me: Yes
Jeremy: Can I copy it?
Me: No
*Jeremy rubs the back of his hand up and down my upper arm*
Jeremy: Are you sure there's nothing I can do to change your mind?

WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT!? I know that was at the beginning of the schoolyear, but nobody ever forgets something like that. That's just the act of a sleezeball.

So yesterday, I ask Mrs. Medina if I could go to the restroom. She said yes. Apparently Jeremy must've asked her before me if he could go, but I guess she told him no. He starts telling her stuff like "Miss, why does she get to go, but not me?" She said "Because Nina's doing her work." Jeremy turns around and then goes "No she's not!" I told the teacher, "I'm going to start on my work." The teacher tells me to leave, and Jeremy starts going on about how he was working and I wasn't. I told him "Well I always do my work, you're the one always talking." and he bursts out "Well you're the one always playing with your phone!" I leave the class.

I come back and sit down at start to write about what I was going to draw (I'll draw last minute, screw drawing, I'll get someone to do it for me). Christian turns around to me and goes "So are you playing with your phone?". I told him "NO!" And Jeremy turns around to stare at me. I told him "Why don't you f***ing turn around!" (first time I've cussed in that class, I hope it's the last) and he's like "Man why are you being a b****?". The girl sitting next to him goes "Maybe it's because you just snitched her out in front of the class just a few minutes ago dumbass." I started yelling at Jeremy about how I make hundreds and 90s on my test, while he makes lower. And he never does his homework as fast as me. I should've also added the fact that I passed both 9 weeks last semester without having to take credit recovery.

That would've added the sugar to the pie.

I have to deal with him next class. Wish me luck that I don't kill him.
I want my own computer!

Everyone took over every computer in the house. Dalilah took over the living room computer, mom took the laptop. This isn't fair.

So while I'm waiting for a computer to free up, preferrably the living room computer, I'm on the phone with Maurice. We hang up, so I decided "Hmm...I'll rest my eyes a bit."

A bit turns into an 11:30 pm - 4:30 am sleep, only to wake up, surprisingly without alarm or assistance, and I realize...I need my bath!!! So I start running around the house. I take my bath. Then I remember mom told me that there were no waters in the fridge and that I needed to get my water (Dasani) from the truck trunk. I decide, no, I'll just get a hot Dasani from around the house. I then wake up Dalilah, accidently, to get a bottle of Bawls from her room; which I have been too lazy to take out of her room since the day I got them (Thanks again James for bringing them!). I put everything I plan on putting in my backpack in the morning into the fridge.

Oh, and yesterday, I had the equivalent of two bottles of bawls. TWO. I had the one bottle of Bawls, and I put Bawls mints into the drink. It was bubbling blue Bawls!!! Almost like champagne? But the mints taste gross. See if I ever buy Bawls mints again. I'm going to buy penguin mints next time. I wanted to take a picture so I could share my enjoyment and excitement with everyone else, but I realized when I took my camera out, that the memory stick was gone! I was stupid. I brought my camera to school, but I left the memory stick in the computer. Stupid, stupid me. So I have Bawls during lunch, which is right before Mr. Fox's class. I come to class hyper. I mean REALLY hyper. And then on top of that, I had chocolate. More sugar you're saying? This concoction of substances (big words) in my stomach only gave me a boost of hyperness for about that whole class period. I was bad in Fox's class. I kept telling the teacher he was lying, and said Sean never did his homework. Everyone, being Kelly, Sean, and tony, laughed at my goofiness. The first day of the week I was actually laughing. By the time I got to Coach Arvin's class, I was yawning. But I was able to keep my eyes open. I still was shaky. My heart was pounding. My feet, I couldn't quit shuffling them around. I think this whole week is a Bawls week. Or at least a caffeine frenzy week. I need it, this week is by far the worst week of the year YET. And it's just getting started. Tomorrow won't be so good.


Monday, January 24, 2005

I realize I have posted on every blog today. Every one, including Yes's and The Lemonator's.

Why the sudden posts?
No one may ever know...

I know!
But I don't want to put it here, it'll end up on my LJ and The Other Side blog in a few days when I'm up to writing about it.

Sorry in advance for any anti-social attitude I might have in a next few days or so. Time will tell.



I am a disgrace. I should never be allowed in arcades. I disgraced all those who play DDR. I can't play. I lost. By how much? IN LESS THAN 5 SECONDS!!! I think I beat a new record. Therefore...I'm a disgrace.


Sunday, January 23, 2005


Circus today!!! Taking the camera. Maybe I'll get some...interesting pics?

Monday, January 17, 2005
Thought this was kinda kool

I'm Dumb

I've had my cd player for almost over a year, and I just BARELY learned how to do repeat/shuffle at the same time? And might I add it was by accident?! I almost don't want to get rid of my cd player now.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I'm weird

Know what I found out yesterday?

Kool-aid Ice Cool kool-aid is good. I'm not saying the stuff that's already made. I'm saying the powder. I ate the powder yesterday, it was very good. It leaves your mouth feeling cool, and you get the sourness and lemony flavor of the Lemonaide flavor. It was good. And it was like a sudden rush of hyperness, after about downing maybe three spoonfuls of it, even though that's not alot. It was cool feeling. Literally.


Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Sara: =/ I'm going to ask one of my friends tomorrow if i should.
cAt DoG aLi: you should ask ebay
Sara: ..i mean, when they announce the date of the dance and everything.
cAt DoG aLi: i mena!
cAt DoG aLi: vince*
Sara: EBAY!
Sara: YAY
cAt DoG aLi: lol
Sara: "hey ebay..wanna go to the winter ball together?"
Sara: damn. i got shot down by an online auction service.
cAt DoG aLi: my pretzels!
mom: who told you? i have no webcam on O:-)
cAt DoG aLi: i know you don't HAVE a webcam over there!
cAt DoG aLi: lol
mom: :-D
cAt DoG aLi: i have all possible webcams over HERE lol
mom: biatch
cAt DoG aLi: you love me
mom: you were a forced birth lol
cAt DoG aLi: BIATCH!

So loving
"You say hello,
Inside I'm screaming I love you
You say goodnight
and in my mind I'm sleeping next to you
You drive away
From my car crash of a heart
and I don't know..."

Yeah I'm really in a...well not "Nubbets" mood. I have a headache...barely going away. My eyes are burning. What else? Who knows...


Headaches are...


Punk Rock Princess

If I could be your punk rock princess, you could be my garage band king

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Is it possible to be "movied" out? If so, I think I am.

Friday, January 07, 2005

I'm wired...

It's almost 1:30 in the morning. I'm wired. I had a klondike bar. But...the sugar buzz is going away and little by little I'm becoming...BLANK.

This picture...scary. It reminds me of "The Ring" in a way I guess. But then again it could be just me.


Thursday, January 06, 2005


Who's going to be crazy to buy snow off of ebay?

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Listening to: Something Corporate - Down

I fell on my butt today. Well yesterday. Funny story. I'm keeping it to myself, and as should Maurice lol.


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

"Tonight tonight he's gonna get it right
even losers can get lucky sometimes
all the freaks on a winning streak
in a perfect world, all the geeks get the girls"

Perfect song. If only it was a perfect world.

Monday, January 03, 2005

I was thinking...

Isn't it a bit immoral to feed seamonkeys fish food? Fish food has shrimp. Seamonkeys eating fish food would be like cannibalism.