Saturday, December 25, 2004

I'm sorry...Livejournal's taken me up. I need to get back into the habit of this.

Well anyways.

IT SNOWED!!!!! First time ever of me seeing snow. It was the best. My fingers are still numb, which kinda worries me. I went out barefoot. Fun fun. I got my sister square in the mouth.

I got a new camera. It's the best.

I got 90 bucks in Hot Topic gift cards. :)

I got 4 seasons of Friends.

I also got Van Helsing. I really need to watch it seeing as how last time I saw it I wasn't really paying attention. I was in too much pain.

It snowed and I cried. It sounds stupid, but...yeah.



Thane said...

Don't use Livejournal! It's EVIL! I have a friend who used livejournal, and *shudders*...

Angry Anonymous Retail Blogger said...

LoL I'll try not to be consumed by the LJ. You won't lose me to the evilness