Listening to: people...
Current thoughts: this doughnut was good
Mood: happy
I finally got my finger to type again. It took a little pulling last night, and finally got the hanging nail to come off. It didn't hurt like I thought it would, but now I want a finger condom to keep it from hitting things because when it hits thing it feels all funky feeling. (finger condom's an inside joke with my mom, they're little things you put on your finger and they look like miniature condoms)
So I decided to be nice to the ex-boyfriend. Let him have a picture, he wanted it, thought I'd let him have it I guess. Of course when I was walking with him yesterday Robert decides to say to me "You're talking to him too!?" I just want to punch him and get it over with. I could care less if he's like top of the wrestling team.
I got an unexpected letter yesterday. From my friend Jordan. I guess all those times from calling and I can never answer made her finally write a letter to me. Looks like I'll be getting more letters seeing as how Joseph and Keesha probably have mailed off their letters already.
I got pictures taken the other day. I for one think I look funny, Chris said I look like my mom. So did Spenser and Kelly and Nicole for that matter. Robert just took my picture and put it in his wallet. Yeah.....right.
Amanda keeps on telling me I like girls. Just now I told her (in front of Nicole) "Oh yes Amanda, I'm gay, I'm just with Mark to cover it up" Nicole looked at me like "Whoa are you serious?" OF COURSE I'm NOT serious! Why in the heck of all that is holey (not holy, I'm being all weird today) would I be with Mark if I WAS gay?! We went through this last year (with Chris and David saying I was a curious lesbian because of my jacket), and we all said I wasn't gay. Alrighty then.
K then, I forgot all that I was supposed to write on here, and this thing's already gotten long enough. So LaterZ!
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