Listening to: Blue October - Razorblade
Current thoughts: Water....MmMmM
Mood: tired
Notes (sorry toma, i like ur idea): No. 4 - Don't wear shirts w/ sayings that insult, teachers remember, and they think you're mean. Example: "Don't speak unless spoken to." My World History teacher thinks I'm mean, and that I have lots of boyfriends since I walk w/ lots of guy friends.
Today, in World History Class-
Teacher- I need to talk to you after class just like the other guy.
Girl- Ahhh...
Teacher- Why are you saying 'Ahh' when you don't even know what I might say to you. I could be giving you candy. *opens desk drawer, takes out a candy* See I could be giving you candy. *grabs candy, throws it in desk, and closes the drawer* But it's MY candy you can't have it, stay away from my desk!
Same teacher, different student-
Girl- Can I go to the restroom?
Teacher- Sure, what class are you in?
Girl- This class.
Teacher- Well of course I know you're in this class, why wouldn't you be if you were in here. I mean what grade are you in, senior, junior, sophmore?
Girl- Junior
Teacher- Okay that's what I wanted to know, you can go. *girl leaves* Gosh what a smart girl, well of course she's in this class. I could just smack her upside the head. If I had wanted to know that she was in my class I'd ask her what class she had for this period.
It's fun having a teacher who insults students. Then of course he thinks I'm the meanest girl in his class, for pinching Dustin and hitting him. Plus the shirts I wear "Smile, it confuses people" "I'm just one big f#&@$ing ray of sunshine aren't I?" And many other shirts, plus I got some new ones for Christmas. OH JOY!
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