Wednesday, February 26, 2003
Heya, I gotz so confusled. You should get confusled too. BYE!
Friday, February 21, 2003
I'm bored, I hate Tony, and I hate Michael. EVERYONE picks on me :(. Is it because I'm so small? I just found out Chris had a class w/ Michael.... that sux. Well anyways, I'm gonna go, if I find anything interesting, I'll put it on here, BYE!
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
Is it possible to humiliate someone so bad, her pants would stick to the chair? Well then... let's just see. I'll bring superglue to school, and I'll get my friend to put it on this girl's chair, and see what happens. Hopefully she'll be humiliated by when she gets up, her pants'll stick to the chair. Then I must spread rumors about her crush on a 6th grader from last year. How cool is that? It's cool enough for me. COOLO!
Ahh my nail hurts, FREAK IT. I can't say things out loud, I must say them here. I love the moon, cuz it is very close to us. I dont know why that came out, but it did. OKIES, well let's see.... Why did the chicken cross the road? Beacuse it wanted to be sexed up that's what I think... but maybe here's what some other people think Why did the Chiken...Cross the road?
Maybe that'll clear up the confusion.
Ahh my nail hurts, FREAK IT. I can't say things out loud, I must say them here. I love the moon, cuz it is very close to us. I dont know why that came out, but it did. OKIES, well let's see.... Why did the chicken cross the road? Beacuse it wanted to be sexed up that's what I think... but maybe here's what some other people think Why did the Chiken...Cross the road?
Maybe that'll clear up the confusion.
Thursday, February 13, 2003
I felt like saying something before school let out. OKIES "Something"
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
AHH i just love getting michael mad, I don't know why but it's so funny. Jeremy told me what david was doing that made him crack up, and I was like WHAT?! and then my friend couldn't believe I was ever w/ Michael, and neither can I for that matter. He said he's always been the height he was since elementary. CRAZY SMACK. I hate my computer at home it hates me it kicked me off all nite long. I woke up this morning not being able to go back to sleep, i was so tired. Well I'm gonna go now, I'm tired, kill me later, okies? BYE!
Monday, February 10, 2003
David's crazy, DUH WE ALL KNOW TAHT BY NOW, okies, well gotz to go class is about to end, wub ya!
Sunday, February 09, 2003
ahh *bangs foot on the wall*, my foot's asleep, i hate when that happens. No more michael... buhbye. Well anyways... I hate when alex comes over, he always hits on me.... like here's how it went:
he came over and asked if I could come outside, so yeah I went outside, and we were talkign then he suggested going on the brick-wall, so we went and sat on it, we were sitting a good foot-1/2 and then somehow he started getting closer and then he goes "you don't hug me anymore" so he put his arm around my shoulder, then he goes That wasn't really a hug, so I gave him a hug, ya ya ya, then he started putting his arm around my waist, then he put his hand on my knee, and grabbed my hand, then he kissed my cheek, and I was starting to kinda feel a little uncomfortable, I don'tk now, then he goes "can I have a kiss?" and I shook my head, and he goes why? you kissed michael, is there something wrong w/ me? and I go NO, and he goes are you sure? and I go yeah, and he goes "are u starting to feel uncomfortable?" and I nodded, so then he backed off
it's just weird around him... i dunno, well anywayz, that's pretty much everything that happened, I'm gonna go now, buhbye!
he came over and asked if I could come outside, so yeah I went outside, and we were talkign then he suggested going on the brick-wall, so we went and sat on it, we were sitting a good foot-1/2 and then somehow he started getting closer and then he goes "you don't hug me anymore" so he put his arm around my shoulder, then he goes That wasn't really a hug, so I gave him a hug, ya ya ya, then he started putting his arm around my waist, then he put his hand on my knee, and grabbed my hand, then he kissed my cheek, and I was starting to kinda feel a little uncomfortable, I don'tk now, then he goes "can I have a kiss?" and I shook my head, and he goes why? you kissed michael, is there something wrong w/ me? and I go NO, and he goes are you sure? and I go yeah, and he goes "are u starting to feel uncomfortable?" and I nodded, so then he backed off
it's just weird around him... i dunno, well anywayz, that's pretty much everything that happened, I'm gonna go now, buhbye!
dude do people know when to shut up? people downstairs are yelling, that's messed up for people trying to sleep!
Hey people, I'm out of the downs now, people are talking to me, my friend that got the letter, we talked, my other friend's talking to me, it's all good. I'm breaking up w/ my b/f, DAMN can I just make up my mind already?! this'll be the 2nd time, and the 2nd time I break up w/ him, but I can't do it myself... so much for my LOUD-MOUTH
Highlight of YESTERDAY, since it's only 3 in the morning:
I saw They. It was okay, it was weird. Not a good scary movie, it didn't really make sense. But it did make me jump a couple times. It wasn't as good as The Ring though, now THAT was a badass movie.
I get my way on some things, I had gone to Wal-Mart and my mom picked up this "Good-luck bamboo" thing, it curls up when it grows. I wanted one, but they were like all dead. So I got mad, and was like GRR MOM! I want one. So she was like well lets go to the Trade center place. We went the place that sold them was closed. SO my mom went to the Asian Market, we found one there, but I doubt they'll curl up and twist together.
My turtle hates me, he bites me, he tries to bite me when he's in the cage. He eats huge fish, eats crickets. Now does that sound like a small turtle to u? Well he's only a little bigger than a silver-dollar coin, that I think... He's ALSO ticklish. What kind of turtle is ticklish?! I guess MINE.
My Spanish teacher is starting to get to know the REAL me. I'm opening up more in class, I get hyper more often, and she wants to move me to the front of the class cuz I'm quiet. I'm NOT QUIET! Only to teachers... around my friends, They WANT to put the duct tape on my fact. Friday I kept on framing Jose, and he caught me red-handed stealing his backpack. Then the teacher saw me laughing and heard me, and goes "Is that Nina talking? and laughing?" and Andrea goes "I told u miss she's not quiet! Shy my butt!! She's freaking loud!" and the teacher goes "Now Andrea, don't go talking about your anatomy in this class, it's only spanish class"
Louie's stupid, instead of calling him Herpes, like david started... We're now going to call him "Pes-Her" Herpes backwards, in a way. it does kinda sound like "please her" doesn't it? or is it just me?
damn I need a guestbook badly...
John David's weird, Marcel's gay....only in May. Erica likes... SOMEONE and I know who! David's crazy, Brandon's a dork,
all michael's turn out to be jerks in the end, i learned that. There are too many Chris's, Michael's, Alex's, Justin's, got a name? email me!
well I've given out enough "useful" information for now... Im tired, me go to bed. EMAIL ME!
P.S. I like N.O.S. get that?
Highlight of YESTERDAY, since it's only 3 in the morning:
I saw They. It was okay, it was weird. Not a good scary movie, it didn't really make sense. But it did make me jump a couple times. It wasn't as good as The Ring though, now THAT was a badass movie.
I get my way on some things, I had gone to Wal-Mart and my mom picked up this "Good-luck bamboo" thing, it curls up when it grows. I wanted one, but they were like all dead. So I got mad, and was like GRR MOM! I want one. So she was like well lets go to the Trade center place. We went the place that sold them was closed. SO my mom went to the Asian Market, we found one there, but I doubt they'll curl up and twist together.
My turtle hates me, he bites me, he tries to bite me when he's in the cage. He eats huge fish, eats crickets. Now does that sound like a small turtle to u? Well he's only a little bigger than a silver-dollar coin, that I think... He's ALSO ticklish. What kind of turtle is ticklish?! I guess MINE.
My Spanish teacher is starting to get to know the REAL me. I'm opening up more in class, I get hyper more often, and she wants to move me to the front of the class cuz I'm quiet. I'm NOT QUIET! Only to teachers... around my friends, They WANT to put the duct tape on my fact. Friday I kept on framing Jose, and he caught me red-handed stealing his backpack. Then the teacher saw me laughing and heard me, and goes "Is that Nina talking? and laughing?" and Andrea goes "I told u miss she's not quiet! Shy my butt!! She's freaking loud!" and the teacher goes "Now Andrea, don't go talking about your anatomy in this class, it's only spanish class"
Louie's stupid, instead of calling him Herpes, like david started... We're now going to call him "Pes-Her" Herpes backwards, in a way. it does kinda sound like "please her" doesn't it? or is it just me?
damn I need a guestbook badly...
John David's weird, Marcel's gay....only in May. Erica likes... SOMEONE and I know who! David's crazy, Brandon's a dork,
all michael's turn out to be jerks in the end, i learned that. There are too many Chris's, Michael's, Alex's, Justin's, got a name? email me!
well I've given out enough "useful" information for now... Im tired, me go to bed. EMAIL ME!
P.S. I like N.O.S. get that?
Wednesday, February 05, 2003
I finally decided to post now... I've gone from citizen high to citizen low in just 2 days, wow that must set a record. Everyone's mad at me, I have a feeling I lost a friend, well it was her opinionating (real word?) that got me so mad I wrote her this mean letter...My friends aren't talking to me, others think I'm stupid. I guess I'm just stupid is that it? I'm not in the mood to talk now, so bye, email me if you have anything to say
BYE BYE, I'll go in the tub and throw soap on the wall now, or at least at the mirror to cover my face
BYE BYE, I'll go in the tub and throw soap on the wall now, or at least at the mirror to cover my face